Sneaking around

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The second I heard the squeak of metal I was awake. It was hard to fall asleep in the first place so I had only managed to get to a light sleep. Cracking a single eye open I saw it was Andi coming in to the room. She closed the door proving she was alone.

Letting my eyes closed I turned over onto my back. "What are you doing here, Andi?" I asked throwing an arm over my face. I was tired but I could deal with it. Mentally I was exhausted from worrying about Freya's wellbeing. Physically I was exhausted from no sleep and all of the activity in the last few days.

"I -I'm just here to see you" she said. I could hear her shuffle across the floor until she stopped in the middle of the floor.

It was easy to tell that she was lying. Andi was very much a mix between her parents and Freya when it came to her personality. "No you are not" I sighed. Then I sat up making the blanket pool in my lap. She was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and her hands on her knees. "Why are you really here, Andi?" I asked.

Andi huffed and crossed her arms. "How do you know I was lying?" she asked avoiding my question.

"Andi" I said strictly. 

She shrunk under the look I gave her. "Fine, I'm hiding from Gaia and Marley" she told me.

I have not heard of this Marley or seen anyone other than Aden, Gaia or Bekka with Andi. "Who is Marley?" I asked. Was she Skaikru? I couldn't imagine she was because Freya didn't trust many people from the ark. And Freya had told me how Anna lost both her parents when she was young.

"She looks after me. I don't need a babysitter though" she mumbled. I waited for her to go on. "Marley's nice I guess. I just don't like being watched constantly" she added.

I brushed my hair out of my face and back into behind my ears. "Well why are you hiding from Gaia? She doesn't watch over you all the time, right?" I asked because it was obvious she wasn't going anywhere. I could kick her out but she made me think about what Freya's child would have been like. Not that we would ever have a child of our own, it was just nice to consider.

Andi shrugged her shoulders. "She just wants me to go to my lessons and I don't feel like it today" she said.

I smirked a little amused. "Andi, you should still go to your lessons they are important" I told her. Sometimes my nightbloods didn't want to come to their lessons but they still needed to. Who better to teach Andi than Gaia?

She groaned exaggeratedly by throwing her head back. "Fine I'll go but later" she agreed unenthusiastically. 

Nodding my head I expected that to be the end of it and she would leave. Instead she got up and jumped on to the foot of the bed. "What's going on with my aunt Freya? No one will tell me. You saw her right? Not Bekka but the real her" she asked showing some real interest.

Does everyone in Trikovakru know that Freya isn't dead? Bekka, Aden and Gaia were the only ones I assumed knew. Perhaps they had just told Andi because she was so connected to her. With Anna and Sirus gone Freya would be some of the last family she had. I'm not sure I should say. All I could say would worry or upset her.

"Yes, I have seen your aunt. That's all I will say" I decided to tell her.

"C'mon tell me how she is" Andi frowned shuffling forward a little. All I did was quirk an eyebrow at her. When she saw I wasn't going to tell her anything she started saying, "Please please please please please please please please." All the while standing up on her knees and lean closer to me.

Annoyed I sighed letting out a huff of air through my nose. "Andi" I clenched my feet and pushed her back lightly by her shoulder. She crossed her arms and stayed where she landed on the end of the bed. "Freya is alive as you know but she needs more time before she comes back" I said without telling her much.

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