ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚 (𝔾𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕪)

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Techno Pov

So we started to plan until we had come up with a plan that seemed pretty stable this is how that went "so do you think there is anyone else that would help us we could use as many alibis as possible" Phil said I thought for a moment 'didn't Bad like visiting him maybe Tommy can go and ask Bad what he thinks about Dream' "I think I have an idea" "okay mate what is it?" "so you know how Bad visits him?" "Yeah, what about it mate" "well he would like dream at least a little bit to visit him and be kind to him so it's just logical that he might want him out though I think Tommy should ask Bad what he thinks about Dream and depending on his reaction react back like if he said no he deserves to be in there or something like that agree but if he says he wants to get him out or that he doesn't deserve to be there then tell him what we're planning and ask him if he wants to help" "are you sure big man? I don't know if it's safe for me to go " "what are you scared?" I asked with a mocking voice "I would like to come is that okay?" Ghostbur coming asked out of nowhere "where the fuck did you come from!?" I screamed "why you scared Techno?" Tommy asked mocking me "shut up" I mumbled "anyway yeah sure you can go Ghostbur you can one keep Tommy out of trouble two you can keep him company and three you can comfort him since he's oh so scared to go" after that Tommy and Ghostbur got ready to go "bye you two" Phil said from the other room "don't die." I said also in the other room "we'll be fine big man Tommy's here to protect us" "yeah okay, well bye Techno bye Phil come on Tommy" "yeah yeah okay, bye Phil bye Techno" Tommy mumbled then i heard the door close "finally peace and quiet" I said after a few minutes "yeah peace and quiet, though,mate are you okay I know that you look fine but I know you better than this and you and dream were close and even though you say you don't care I know you do because I know you" "yeah I'm fine just hard seeing the one that I've been friends with ever since I could remember, being hurt you know?" "yeah I know" "anyway lets enjoy this peace and quiet until they get back "

Tommy Pov

"yeah yeah okay, well bye Phil bye Techno" I mumbled still upset with Techno about the teasing "so where does Bad live or where do you think he is?" Ghostbur asked talking like he wasn't ready to kill someone a minute ago "I think that Bad would either be at the prison or his mansion but I think his mansion would be a better place to look first" "well then lead the way" "k follow me" I said starting to walk to Bad's mansion .. "We're here Ghostbur" I said, "let's take a little bit of a rest then go talk to Bad sound good?" "yeah even though I'm a ghost I still get tired and you're not a ghost so you for sure are tired" "yeah let's just go sit down for a bit by that tree over there," I said while pointing at a tree,Ghostbur nods his head in agreement we walked over to the tree and sit down I look up to admire the stars "the stars are beautiful tonight," I said quietly "yeah" after a while of stargazing and chatting I decided that we had to go before any mobs could come and attack us "come on we should go," I said "okay" "let's go but Ghostbur?" "yeah?" "I'll do most of the talking so just stay quiet mostly" "okay" he responded I then led him to the door and I knocked "Bad? You there?" I called out then the door opened and Bad was there "hell- oh Tommy, Ghostbur what are you two doing here?" "Well, we wanted to talk to you" "about what?" Bad asked "about Dream" "oh ...why do you want to talk about him he's in prison" Bad said nervously "well we just wanted to ask ...what's your opinion on him?" "well I think that Dream is a little misunderstood and I think that he should've at least had a trial... why are you asking?" I look at Ghostbur and then look back at Bad "well I've learned a few things and ..." I took a deep breath "okay ...we were wondering if you would like to come with us back to Techno's house so we can make a plan to help dream escape?" Bad looked at me in shock "but don't you hate Dream? Why would you want to help him escape let alone let him escape?" "well. .. I can explain later anyway are you coming or not?" "um" Bad looked conflicted "come on bad we gotta hurry are you coming or not?""are...are you sure Technoblade and Philza won't hurt me?" I rolled my eyes at how stupid he was being "it was Techno's idea to try and get you on our side why would he hurt you" I said finishing it off with another eye roll "okay then lead the way" I smiled and walked away Ghostbur and Bad following me 'thank god he said yes I don't know what we would do without him and the security passes' I thought happily "Ghostbur you can talk now" I said seeing how he was awkwardly trying to stay quiet. Ghostbur gasped and said "really thank you you it was so hard not to talk during that whole thing" "no problem Ghostbur" I said while smiling softly at him..... ................................... "we're here" I said opening the door "Techno Phil we 're Back!!""oh hey mate did he agree or no?" Phil said coming around the corner "um h-hello Phil" Bad said shy and nervously "hey Bad I assume you're here because you've accepted our offer?" "uh yeah I did. I want to help dream as much as I can he grew up as my son's friend so I've known him for a while and even though he did some... not so good things he's still my friend" Bad said quieting down at the end to a whisper, I was surprised at the sincerity in his voice "well let's get Techno an-" I started before Techno walked in the room "no need I'm already here" Bad look more nervous as soon as Techno walked in "alright well let's start planning then" After that everyone went into the dining room and sat around the table

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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