10. A Song By Your Favourite Band

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Landslide ~ Oh Wonder

Brief Summary: The first time I heard this song I cried on a public bus at eight am and it is the most comforting in the world

Dan's POV

"I CAN'T DO IT!" I screamed, throwing my books off of my desk and onto the floor. Then I grabbed all of the blankets off my bed and threw them across the room. I threw my pillows and my clothes and everything I could see in front of me. I sank to my knees in the middle of the room and I sobbed. I let the tears pour down my face as I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it from the top of my lungs. No one was home, luckily, so no one had to witness my complete breakdown.

As I sat there, my head swimming with an extreme lack of coherent thoughts, broken fragments of sentences floating around inside my head, I suddenly noticed my laptop sat not too far away from me on my bedroom floor.

I picked it up and searched in that all too familiar username: AmazingPhil. He had a new video and I couldn't help but smile at that as I sat back and pressed play.

He was just talking. About his day and what he had gotten up to. There was nothing profound or insightful but it was so comforting to see him so relaxed and casual. Like he was just talking to me. Just me.

And then I ended up clicking one of his old videos that I had already seen but it was in the recommended bar and I just couldn't resist.

It was as if I had forgotten about the mess surrounding me and the reason as to why I had caused it in the first place. All my stress seemingly melted away as I rested my head back on the edge of my bed and listened to Phil talking. There was a moment when he smiled at the camera and I found myself smiling back. As if that smile was just for me.

And I didn't care how many thousands of people that smile was really for because Phil was there for me. He was always there for me and that was all I really needed.

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