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A/n: HII GUYS I'm so so so so soooo sorry I haven't uploaded i just finished watching the x men collection and I'm having a life crisis wanting to make a Charles Xavier x reader and a peter maxi off x reader and honestly my school and personal life is horrible my attendance is a 67.83% which is really bad its supposed to be a 90 and over sooo BARE WITH ME ....ON WITH THE STORY

I woke up pretttttyyyy early and changed getting ready for my 3 hour train ride  my suit case was already packed and i took my mothers skateboard with me and i tied my hair in. A bun with my mothers drumsticks holding it in place, I got my gym bag (I've changed the suit case into a gym bag cuz idk I feel like walking around with a suit case is akward (just me? okay))

i found ally waiting for me outside because she wanted to drive me to the train station AND drop me off at the school likke THOSE mums but i let her becuase well...shes very persuasive.

"got everything?" ally asked

"yes mooom"

even these?" and she held up 3 medication bottles 1. for my axienty 2. to clam me down 3.  some weird ass pills mt theripst gave me probaly for depression or something

"now i do thaaannnkksssss moom"

We drove to the train station and I got out

"Thanks ally I'll see you soon right?" Ally wasn't even looking at me I heard a little sniffle "ally are..pyou crying??" I stifled a laugh "aw it's okay Al I'm only gone for 5 days and I'll have the weekends off to spend for you mkay?"

"Mhm okay... now get outta my face"
"Wow one second ago you were crying bipolar bitch"
"I'll see you in a few a hours bye bitch"

I got in the train

[time skip]

I arrived at the school and was greeted by two ladies one that looks a little bit older then me and another that looks way older in her 40s

"Hello y/n I'm headmistress Jane and this is Annabel welcome to sparrow academy (everything is made up) Annabel will show you around the school if you need me I'll be in my office, good day ladies" the older woman headmistress Jane announced abs walked away

"Heh well Uhm she isn't really welcoming but anyways it's nice to meet u y/n" Annabel chuckled

"Sure" I nodded keeping a straight face

[time skip (so sorry cbb to write every detail)]

"We'll this is your form you'll be sharing with a boy..DONT worry he's completely gay he doesn't like being with the boys bc well he says and I quote 'their dirty and smelling and they go through my private properties' and your uniform is on your bed..alright then goodbye" Annabel which I found out she's a senior and school captain

"Bye" I mumbled

I closed the door and un packed my stuff and put on some sweats and went on my phone to call ally

Bold ally underline you

Hey Al's
Y/nnnn I missed you it's so miserable
I've only been gone for a few hours and don't you have your boyfriend?
Key words yet

We talked for a few hours till I had to go
I met my roommate his name is leo he's not that bad he's actually very funny and he said and I quote your a every tolerable eggy girl that isn't lesbo..
And we went to bed

A/n: hey guys I'm so sorry for not posting I had to go to my home country for a few months and it had barely any internet and I've been really busy rn I'm on a vacation but I felt bad for not posting

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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