Untitled Part 1

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11:00 P.M
The Appartment
Day 1

I am Alice currently at the apartment and just cam back from C-square looking for survivors, after 26 days of the "disease" being officially considered a threat. "It" has taken down the government but it still hasn't escaped national boundaries, Today marks as the first day I have left my apartment as I ran out of food. Though I was confined in that human cage (still my safe camp) I was able to observe almost everything about the "disease", Let's just say I wasn't bored in the 1 month I spent in here.

I started this journal to keep track of all the things i do and collect all the data whenever i can and write it down, I have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and have problems in my short term memory, Heck! I don't even know who my parents are hopefully they are alive. My memory loss only happens once every 3-4 months so it's not hat big of a problem

here's what i know about this thing so far:

1. This thing survives in a host for 3 months 

2. It can infect the other only by puncturing their target and releasing saliva in the wound, it almost works like zombies!

3. it takes full control of the host and can even work the involuntary muscles, like It can completely remove the feeling of pain or reflex in the host

4. Though taking full control the host can still move their thigh muscles, giving the illusion of them dancing as the human within tries to escape with the full strength they can

5. They too need resources like food and water to survive and will die within a month without it

6. They completely stop moving in the night so the night is safe to sleep in, as long as you don't make much noise.

That is all i know about them and will try to keep this journal updated as i find out more

peace out, Goodnight

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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