The caretaker

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I was just 17 years old and new to the company. I just did what I was told. I was polite and helpful and tried to please everyone. Of course, I had respect for the older colleagues. I loved to put on my new costume, it had a flower pattern and gold buttons on the top. Despite I always remember it, this is the first time, I'm talking about it. 

A handle was broken off at my supervisor's desk. So he sent me to the janitor to ask him to fix the handle. The janitor was an older man, I had seen him in the hallway a few times. He smiled a little greasily. But I was always friendly and smiled back. Just like I had been taught to do. So I took the broken handle and went to the janitor, he had a chamber in the basement of the building. I still remember that a light bulb flickered on the stairs, and a short little shiver ran down my spine. which I ignored. I had a mission, a task, so I did what I was supposed to do. The door to his room was open and I heard the radio playing. Quietly he sang to himself. He smiled broadly when he saw me. "Well sweetheart? How nice that you come to visit me". He stood up and took a step towards me so that he could stroke my shoulder. I followed his hand with my gaze and backed away a little. "Oh come on, don't be shy down here nobody sees us you know," he winked at me and again he stroked my shoulder. I cleared my throat and took another step back. "i.. I need a new handle." I held out the old broken handle to him with my arm outstretched to get as much distance between us as possible. "I get it, you have a job for me," he smirked disgustingly. "But I've got a job for you too," his arm passed close to my hip and he pulled the door to his chamber closed, turned the key and put it in his pants pocket. His gaze was fixed firmly on me. I tried not to look at him. I focused on the red little clock directly behind him on the wall. It was already ten past nine, I knew at half past nine I had my next appointment. And I hoped that someone would come looking for me. I hoped it so much. "You see that shelf over there, from the top drawer you can take a new handle, come on don't be shy sweetie". Determined that I would get out of this chamber in one piece, I walked past him to the shelf in question. I didn't get very far, after a few steps he gave me a slap on the butt. I backed away, frightened and disgusted. "Oh, can't one even express one's admiration these days? What an uptight world, in the past it was always no problem". As quickly as I could, I went to the shelf and pulled open the top drawer. I tried to ignore the fact that I had to stretch so much that my skirt probably slid up and he stared at me. I was afraid. "If you don't let me out of here right now, I'm going to scream! I mean it. Let me out of here right now!". He tried to walk towards me and press his lips on me, but I pushed him away from me as hard as I could. He stumbled backwards. "Alright then, fuck off!", he unlocked the door and grabbed me by the right wrist. He squeezed tightly and pulled me outside: "Get out of here!", he snorted after me. I fled upstairs and went straight to the toilet. My heart was quivering in my chest and I found it hard to calm down. I looked at myself in the mirror. Shame and powerless overcome me. My whole body was shaking. 

I did not tell anyone about it and I kept being polite and friendly to everyone. When I saw the caretaker in the hall next time, I just smiled back to his greasily smile, wondering how many women have experienced the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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