Letter to somebody I want to be forgiven by

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Dear person

I should start of like this......

I wish I could tell you all the things I want to say.

I wish you were here with me everyday.

I know some things I did to you were cruel.

Believe me when I say I was a fool.

But if I wrote that it would all be a lie.I dont mean it.

Here is the truth 

You need to forgive me.

I don't know why you haven't already.

Its been a year now,I moved on and now its your turn.

Maybe you fancy me.

Then wait in line along with my best mate, my other friends, my ex boyfrinds and all the other people who are not worth mentioning that fancy me.

You are Dirty Mugling-ling Bang-bang syphilitic scabrous leprous pile of putrescent pustulent puke 

Just grow up and forgive me already you.

Your being such a immature prat,


“The key to life is being comfortable 'in and out' of your own skin... 'In' your skin enough to truly like who you are, 'out' of it enough to get over yourself~” - BJ Morin

I hope you move on in life.


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