Chapter 3

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"Get up."They said. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."I say. "Shut the fuck up and get up!" He shouted at me. "How do you know me?" I asked. He forcefully grabbed me and took the gun away from me. "Ross' fiance right? Your his bitch. Your kinda easy to tell."He said. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "Where is he?" He asked. "I don't know. I haven't seen him. He knocked me out and I woke up on the ledge.I don't know where he is". I say. He laughed. "That's a lie. Tell me the truth."He said. "I love him so much. He left me. I don't know where he is.If I did don't you think I would be with him by now?"I asked. He shook his head. "Tell me where he is."He said. I turned around and slowly looked at him. The air suddenly changed. Fear struck me as I looked behind him. I slowly back up. "Please..."I begged as I started to cry. He approached and the closer he was coming the closer my tears were coming out of my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. "Please leave."I told him. "Tell me where he is."He said pointing the gun towards my forehead ready to pull the trigger. My vision started to get blurry with the over flow of tears coming down my face. I was not only scared for the guy but I was scared for myself too. "Please!" I shouted. And with that, a bullet came straight through his brain .Killing him right in front of me. I was frozen in place. Not ready for what was coming. He approached me. "What are you doing here?" He asked. I didn't respond and just shook. How could he have such a bit effect on the ground he walks on and nothing with anybody else? "I asked a question."He said. My throat moved but it was so dry no words wanted to come out. He flicked the gun and changed the bullets. He looked around and growled at me. I knew what that meant. If I didn't answer in the next minute, I'll have serious consequences. I couldn't do anything. He put the gun in pocket and then pulled me. I looked at the dead guy on the ground. Its all my fault. I cried as he picked me and threw me over his shoulder.

I looked at the tub. I filled it with water and some shampoo. I couldn't even. He hasn't done anything besides telling me to take a bath. I ran my fingers through my wet hair. I washed my face. My bloody face. The horrible things my life is full of. Only I knew. I gave it the time. I gave it my energy. I slowly rinsed my hair. Trying my best to take as long as needed. I didn't want to face him for anything. It was so cold. I turned the faucet to all the way to the hot. It still wasn't enough. "Laura." He knocked on the door. I looked terrified. I shook my head and held my breath. I then went under water. I heard the door open. I rised back up to the surface. Meeeting his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was upset or anything. No type of emotion on his face whatsoever.

"Get up."He said. I pointed and looked at the towel.He reached over and got it. I took it and wrapped myself in it. I got out of the tub and let the water go. I walked over and wrapped my head. I then walked out of the bathroom and looked for something to wear. "Don't bother." He said against my shoulder. I shuddered. "We need to talk."He said. Those four words. "About what?" I asked. "Why you were in the field." He said. I looked at him. "I was avoiding being shot."I say. "By who?" He asked. "I don't know. I was crowded by a group of people who claimed to be sent by you. And then someone started shooting at us and I ran. I went to the field because my heart and my mind brought me there." I say. "Who were the group of people?" He asked. "You sent them. Ask yourself." I say. He looked at me. "Excuse me?" He asked.

I ran my fingers through my hair. "When have I ever worked with anyone and it end well?" He asked. "Do I look like I know? You leave me all alone most of the day doing who knows what.This isn't a conversation I want to have with you." I say. "Your not talking to me. Get dressed and go to bed."He said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm a grown woman. I don't need to be told when to go to bed". I snap. "Well incase you haven't noticed, your going to bed when I say you go to bed. And I want you to know that I'm leaving you here."He said and walked away. What? I walked after him. "You can't leave me here crazy. You left me on the ledge and look what happened."I say. He laughed bitterly. "That's only because that was the closet place I could put you down. If you fell, you would've landed on a part. It was safe." He said.

"Safe?" I asked. "Listen and listen closely."He said. "No. I don't want to hear it."I snapped. Oh no. I turned away as he pinned me against the wall. "Your gonna accept everything and anything that I tell you. You don't have a choice understood?"He asked. I shook my head. "I'm not a puppy. I don't take order that you bark at me. I have rights. I am human."I said. "I own you. Every part of you."He said running his fingers across my lips. It tickled. "I don't care. Your not the boss of me."I say. Bad choice of words. He pressed himself against me. "I'd watch myself if I were you."He said. I rolled my eyes. I didn't have it but it was coming. I couldn't help it. "Or what?" I asked. Oh no. I would cover my mouth but he was doing it for me. I was ready for it this time. He tossed me over his shoulder and brought me to the room. "No...No.."I say. "You want to have smart mouth. Lets fix that shall we?" He asked. "No. Please..." I begged. He pinned me on the bed. My head started to turn. "I love you."I say. "I love you too."He said but didn't release me. "Please... Ross....Please...." I begged. Hoping he would...Well it was worth a shot. My vision became blurry and I started to relax. I didn't resist as much. His lips covered mine. I kissed back weakly. He got up as I was sucked into a dark place.
This sequal consists of 10-20 chapters! I hope you guys are liking it so far! Thank you so much!! Your all amazing! Wonderful! I love you guys!! Comment and Vote!!!!!

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