Ava Leigh Grey

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I kept swatting away Kate's attempt at waking me up. Finally she punched me in the stomach and yelled my water broke and I have been trying to wake you up for the last ten minutes.
We have to go now, grrrrrrr it hurts like hell. I grab my bag and go out the front door and the driver is waiting for us. He grabs the bag and helps me onto the waterproof padding we keep in the car for situations like this. Grace ordered us a few for the cars and sofas. I am so thankful for her for thinking about things like that.
I finally found my shoes and socks and am dressed except for those and I jump in the car and rub my stomach where Kate punched me. Suddenly she doubles over in agony. She tells Lenny to step on it or someone will be delivering this baby in the car. I just thought Jose won't be able to take videos of it.
I pick up my phone and text Jose, my parents and am hit with another pain. Then I call Ethan and Anastasia. Elliott dials his family as I finish  my texts to everyone on my lists. We finally arrive at the hospital and they check me out and Dr Ford is waiting for me, I forgot to call him. Someone must have called him.
I called him as soon as you told me your water broke. I will park the car and bring your bags up.
Bags? I just had one he got in the car and drove off to park and I double over again.
I see mom, dad, Christian, Ethan, Mia, Tia, Eamon, Enid, Anastasia, Diana and Ray are all waiting for us. Then Jose arrives with a blue haired woman helping carry photo equipment. He pulls out his camera and starts getting us all on video and the follows us up to the delivery room. He introduces us to Maria Gonzalez and we follow dr Ford to the suite and Jose gets in position to get everything ready to record the birth. Maria has the lighting set up in no time. I am getting my hand squeezed so hard it might break. The dr gets in a position where everything can been filmed and he can still deliver the baby.
Dr Ford
She is nearly here, I know how to deliver the baby so the parents can get it recorded and this was fast and quick. Mr Grey cuts the umbilical cord and we put the baby in a blanket and lay her on Mrs Grey's chest. I deliver the placenta and make sure we got it all out. I have the baby taken to get cleaned up. The guy with the camera follows the baby and mr Grey follows him to the nursery. I give Mrs Grey a muscle relaxer. She had her daughter naturally. She had no time for anything else.
That was fast, painful but fast.
Dr. Ford
It definitely was fast. No sex for six weeks. If you get desperate use condoms until you are back on the shot. Getting pregnant soon after having a baby can cause health issues for you and the embryo.
Thank you I will definitely use caution or not have sex. Mom and dad walk in the room. Dr Ford leaves us. Elliott arrives with a nurse pushing the baby in one those clear hospital beds for the baby. Jose is recording everything and I mean everything. The rest of the family arrive and look at Ava.
Kate holds her first as Ava makes her voice heard over everyone else's. I take Ava and hold her in the chair next to Kate. Jose seems to lock in on Anastasia and take photos of her. Christian reminds him he is here to record the mom, dad and the new baby. He moves back to the baby and Enid asks to see her first grand baby. Eamon looks over her shoulder and the baby grabs his finger as he pats her little hand. Mom and dad hold her next. Then Tia, Mia, Ethan and finally Anastasia holds her and gets her to coo, Diana holds her and then hands her back to Kate. She says the baby is hungry. They all leave so the baby can nurse. Jose was going to stay, but I told him that is not going to be recorded sorry.
I wasn't thinking when they asked everyone to leave so the baby could eat. Maria just shook her head and told me we have enough to put together a good dvd and we pack up and leave. I tell Kate and Elliott bye and I will call when the dvd is ready.
Seriously who is Anastasia to you?
I just thought if I get photos of her I can paint her image and ask her if she will allow me to use her image to make money by selling paintings of her.
I doubt she will let anyone do that. I know the kind of paintings you create. She isn't going to agree to letting you paint her face on a nude model. You have enough volunteers, I would leave her alone. Did you see Christian Grey and her father and how they looked at you when you kept shooting her pictures as she was cuddling the baby. Then after she gave the baby to Diana.
Cousin or not, this is not something I care to chat about. I can ask her if she would be willing to pose for me.
Leave me out of it, the last time you nearly got us both arrested and I had nothing to do with your perverted obsessions with certain types of women. Let's get the dvd done and I am not working with you again after that. You really should seek help Jose.
Anastasia can decide for herself.
You are playing with fire. Have you not heard anything about her and that she saved Christian Grey's life and nearly lost hers in doing it. It's your funeral.

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