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Kenji's POV

"Who is Ema, Kenji?" my mom asks as she takes a sip of wine from her glass. She and Nova's mom have been playing undercover agents since Nova left. There is nothing these two women don't know about each other, and Nova and I are no exception to their gossip. In fact, some days, it feels like all they do is talk about Nova and me.

To be fair, I didn't think I needed to talk about Ema this soon. As a matter of fact, I didn't think I'd have to at all. I tell my mom everything, even when I'm absolutely pissed off at Nova for no reason. She's the only person I can talk to about Nova because her insider is Nova's mom. Which I feel gives me an advantage mathematically.

Ema was supposed to be on the down-low, for my sake. I figured that a few days, maybe three max, would give Ema enough satisfaction for the rest of her life as I become her personal handholder. And honestly, I barely even want to do that.

Frankly, I hate the way Ema treats Nova. I haven't seen Nova in five years, and I loathe how Ema ruined Nova's reputation from the first day. I had Nova's first day planned out to a "T." She would sit right next to me during homeroom because that was the only seat left, perfect for her. She loves the sun for some unusual reason. But it is especially perfect for me because I get to be next to her.

Next on my planned Nova day, I planned for us to spend lunch together, showing her which cafeteria food is good and what isn't. In my dandy head, I'd suggest the spaghetti, and she would wrinkle her nose, knowing I used to throw it at her when we were 6. Then I'd show her the gym, where I play volleyball, and introduce her to Aone, maybe even the team.

That was the plan.

Until Ema 'accidentally' spilled water down Nova's white shirt at the end of homeroom. I was livid when the students started laughing at Nova. In fact, I saw red the moment her undergarments became visible. I bolted straight to her with my volleyball jacket to help cover any parts of her that shouldn't be shown. But it didn't end there. With every moment Ema got, Ema made it a mission to ruin Nova's day.

I was fed up; by the second time Ema made an unnecessary joke about Nova's face, I couldn't sit still anymore. I couldn't let Ema continue to ruin Nova's life this way. I know Nova. Nova has a hard time adjusting to new environments, especially when she is alone. But she's not alone this time, and I'm making sure of it.

I confronted Ema after school many times before, and each time, Ema began to cry. Ungodly cry. It's as if I ran her over with a truck each time I tell her to back off Nova. Still, that was never enough for her.

That was until I finally agreed to be her hand carrier. Ever since I agreed to these circumstances, Ema has not said a single word to or about Nova. If I can keep this up for a couple more months, then I can finally tell Nova the truth.


Snapping me out of my rage, I return to the present and see my mom and Nova's mom staring intensely at me. My mom knows well beyond the stars about my feelings for Nova. It's not something I hide from her. In fact, it's all I tell my mom. Idiotically, I sometimes forget that my mom and Novas' are best friends. Meticulously, underneath all this math, I had hoped that Nova's mom would slip in a few good words for me. After all, I am the favorite guy friend to have over. Selfishly, I hope I am the only guy friend they allow over. Still, if Nova hasn't realized it after all these years, then I know her mom has not said anything. Or so I think.

"I'm sorry," I apologize, "I'm just stressed about this test tomorrow."

"Kenji, is there something you're not telling us?" my mom inquires and I know she's is too good at being my mom.

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