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"but baby waby i dont wana go to bed i wamt cuddles. 😿😞😞💔💔"

"no butts. 👿 get in the codfins i made just for u. it should fot u perfetly. i soend all my day making it for u. ill eben puut it next to my cofin." she pit u down in the comportable bed but u wr noet redu to go to slep.

"if u go to bed ill got a babh carrier like the packpack and carry u around everywjere i go. 🤑"

"okay but only if u can maje a double cofin for cuudles. i loke the one u made specal for me but it camt fot us boht. 🥺😋" she kis ur fourhead and agreeg to the deal.

"ok but u have to sleep now kittem. 😚" u smuggle in and pretmd to fall sleop. u wIt for her to turn loght off and go to sleep. then u sneaky get up and go to snuugle wit her in her coofin.

"im so smrat. 🤫🥺😝" then u faal sleep and go to slerp in hu tap arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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