Rock Collector

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It's nighttime, perfect to go out and collect more rocks! Jolly gets ready and goes on a walk for rocks, as she goes on a walk for rocks she sees LOTS of rocks, she scurried to the rocks and collected them, eventually she got into a forest because she saw lots of rocks there but she didn't notice, she kept on collecting rocks, after a few hours, she spotted no rocks around her, she decides to go home but she realizes she's lost in a forest, she starts to worry, she tries to find a way out but she kept failing, after a few minutes, she starts to sob, she decides to scream for help, 


She runs and sees a wolf, she screams and ran as fast as she could, but the wolf could catch up, she trips on a rock, she bruised her knee, she tries to get up but the wolf was close, she gets up but the wolf was there, then she wakes up in her bed, bruised and bleeding a little, she is really bothered from the pain, a maid comes and says:

"Hello princess.. Are you doing well? I hope you are... here is breakfast!"

The maid gives Jolly breakfast and leaves, Jolly doesn't really feel like eating, but she didn't want the food to get cold so she ate it as fast as she could, a maid entered the room and said,

"Dear, are you feeling well? do you need a glass of water or anything else?"

Jolly replies

"Sure.. A glass of water seems nice.."

"Ok dear!"

The maid exits the room to get Jolly her glass of water,

The maid enters and gives her the glass of water and says:

"Dear, if you need anything, tell me."

The maid leaves Jolly so she can be alone for some time.

Jolly sees a book on her bed, she decides that she will read it, after reading 5 pages, she feels very tired, so she puts the book on her bed and sleeps. 

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