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introduction of characters


" NEVER could have been like the rest of them, but refused to be anyone but her self. A wanderess was what she was and nothing could make her satisfied. "



She had sat there for nearly an hour with her earbuds placed in her iPod which didn't even have a touch screen. The weeknd playing softly as the stars surrounded her. It was nearly 11 pm, she could only tell only by the clock tower dinging, and she had no intention of going home on this summer night. She heard someone clear their throat and she opened her eyes to see a boy not much older than her looking down.

"Excuse me miss but um this is my bench..."

She pulled out one of her earbuds and scooted over, "Then sit."

The boy accepted and sat as far from her as possible, and she turned to face him.

"Hi, I'm Frances but you can call me bean."

"Luke." The blond boy replied looking at the grass.

"Did you come out for a walk?"

"N-no actually I came here to sleep."

The girl went quiet for a few minutes, "Oh."


"I hope you don't mind me asking this but, what happened?"

"Um.. well I was kicked out of my parents house when I came out to them."

"Wow, I'm sorry that's really fucked."

"Yeah I suppose."

"You suppose? You don't think its wrong that the person who birthed you doesn't accept who you are over a minor detail? I think that's pretty fucked up."

He went quiet.

"Have you heard of the weeknd?" She sighed.

"Yeah, I love him I have all of his albums on my iPod." He glanced at the girl and smiled a small smile. She returned it and he saw a glimmer of admiration illuminate her eyes. In that moment he knew she admired everything about everyone and couldn't see that everyone admired her the same way.

After a moment his thoughts came out to her, "You're fucking breath taking."


"You're honestly breath taking."

"What do you mean."

"You're so... beautiful."

"Oh um thank you... but I thought you were gay."

"Oh I am but I get the feeling nobody's ever told you that before."

"Yeah that's because nobody has."

Bean left the bench and Luke sat there wondering what he had done to upset her. And on a bigger note if he'd ever see her again.


{ word count: 410 }

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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