Tenebra et Lunus

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 The night was just like any other. Darkness covered all that it touched. Everyone had retired to their homes for the evening and silence ensued. Inside one house, downstairs in the basement, a child was being born. A child that would grow to have a life she did not deserve.

She was beautiful, with soft skin that was a striking olive color, huge brown eyes, and hair that was jet black. Her mother named her Tenebra, for darkness, but she did not love her daughter as she should have. She believed that this was a child of Pluto’s doing and wanted nothing to do with her. So her mother locked her in the basement where she was born and intended to keep her there, in the darkness of the room, for the rest of her life.

Tenebra spent the first few years of her life locked in the basement. Her mother would bring her three meals a day, usually food that tasted abhorrent. Her only source of light in the room was a small opening in the wall, kind of like a window to the outside world. Tenebra would sit and peer out for hours every day, seeing small animals scurry about, listening to birds chirp, and even occasionally laying eyes upon young children running and playing. She longed to one day be able to step foot into the sunlight. The nights were terrible. Utter darkness surrounded her. Sounds of night creatures awakening terrified her. The only thing that would make her feel any better was singing. She would sing to herself, to the gods, and to the animals she shared the night with.

One night a boy about Tenebra’s age was walking by her home when he heard the eloquent sound of her voice. Her singing enthralled and enchanted him. He didn’t know exactly where it was coming from at first, and he walked closer to the house. After a few steps he saw her silhouette come into focus at about the same time she saw him. 

“Who’s there?” Tenebra asked.

“My name is Lunus,” the young boy said. “I was walking by and heard you singing.”

“I’m sorry if it bothered you,” she said.

“Not at all. It was actually quite beautiful. You’re very talented.”

“Thank you,” she said. “Why are you out so late at night?”

“I can’t seem to sleep at night. Walking in the dark usually clears my head and helps me.” Lunus replied. “But don’t let me distract you. Carry on.” He began to walk away from her. She couldn’t let him go. He was the first person she had ever really interacted with besides her loathsome mother.

“Wait. Please don’t go. I don’t get very much company down here.”

“I’d love to stay and listen some more,” Lunus said to her, “May I ask why you’re down there in the dark all by yourself?”

She peered at the handsome young boy through the small hole in the basement wall. His hair was almond and partially covered his eyes, which were a beautiful shade of gold. And he had this smile that just lit up her basement. He brightened and warmed her soul. “Finally she was getting the taste of what the world had to offer and she fell for him instantly. “My mother locked me down here years ago. I never leave.”

“Never?” Lunus asked her.

“Not once. Which is why I so enjoy talking to you,” she said.

“Well how about I come keep you company every night then?”

“I would love that.” Tenebra said, and that was it. Every nigh he cam to that hole in the basement to be with her, and soon he fell in love with her as well. For years he would come by and as they grew older they also grew closer than ever.

One night when they were nearly adults, Lunus made a decision.

“I’m going to get you out of that wretched place my love,” he said to her.

“There’s no way Lunus. We have talked about it before. My awful mother will never let me out.”

“I’ll persuade her. There has to be a way. Tomorrow evening I will speak with her and get you out, so that I can finally marry you my love.”

The next evening Lunus came to the basement hole before entering the house to speak with Tenebra’s mother. “Wish me luck my dear.” He said.

“Good luck, and be careful,” she said to him as he walked away. Lunus walked up to the front door of the house and knocked forcefully. After the third knock, Tenebra’s mother threw open the door.

“Who disturbs me at this late hour?” the wicked woman asked.

“My name is Lunus ma’am, and I wish to marry your daughter.”

“That child is not my daughter. She is the spawn of Pluto and she will never leave that basement.” She replied.

“I cannot live without her, and I am rescuing her with or without your permission ma’am.” Lunus said as he pushed past her and ran through the house to the door of the basement. There was a lock on it. Lunus grabbed a nearby pot and used it to smash and break the lock. He threw the door open and met eyes with his true love. “Lunus! You did it! You freed me!” the girl cried, and she ran to embrace him. She reached him just as her evil mother rammed a knife through his heart. He fell into her arms and grasped for air.

“You will both be with Plato soon.” The woman screamed as she ran off never to be seen again. Tenebra fell to the ground with Lunus dying in her arms.

“You can’t leave me Lunus. I won’t let you.” She cried as tears streamed down her face.

“Don’t cry my love. I’m not in any pain. My life is complete now that I could touch you and truly be with you. I can die happy.” He said through gasps for air.

“You can’t die. All my life I’ve been alone and now just as I get to be with you the gods are taking you away from me.” She cried even harder and prayed to the gods, “Please gods. Don’t let my love be taken away from me. Please I am begging you to help me.”

“Just as she spoke the words, the goddess Diana appeared before her. “Hello my child. You asked for assistance?”

“Yes goddess! Please save my true love. I can’t go on without him.” Tenebra pleaded.

“Dear child, I can save his soul but not his body, and there is one condition. Since you have only seen him in darkness, I can only let you keep his soul in darkness as well.” 

“Anything as long as I can keep him with me goddess.” Tenebra said.

“Very well.” The goddess proceeded to piece the soul of Lunus back together. Once it was whole it began to shine like a crystal ball. Diana cast it into the sky where it would remain. He was the moon and she was the night. His soul would rise when dusk fell, and depart at the break of dawn, so as to forever shine light onto the darkness where Tenebra, his one true love, lived.

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