Gift wrapped - December 2021

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When you started helping Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs wrap up gifts you'd been in high spirits. Someone had brought round hot chocolates and you managed to get through several bags of donations.

But now it was almost lunch time and you were starting to feel hungry. Your wrapping had slowed and the bags by your feet began to pile up. Fangs leant forwards and showed you a pack of biscuits that he had swiped.

"Chocolate chip!" He muttered. You held out your hand as Fangs started to open the packet.

"Put that cookie down. NOW!" Toni said firmly. She had her back to you but when she turned she had her eyebrows raised. "Those aren't for us to eat Fangs. Jughead will be by with lunch soon."

"How soon is soon?" You asked suspiciously as Fangs handed her the unopened biscuits. Jughead opened the doors and headed into the room with Archie, both carrying armfuls of food.

"Is that soon enough for you?" She asked. You smiled and nodded. Toni grabbed at the meal she knew that you would like and made sure that you got yours first. Everyone flooded around Jughead.

"Ok everyone! We're taking a break and eating now. If you want to stay on and help we'd be grateful for it but if not don't worry as we have another shift of volunteers coming in after lunch." Toni called out across the room. Once everyone had gotten what they wanted Toni got herself lunch and sat with you.

"Thanks for helping today." Toni said.

"It's ok. I think me and Fangs can get all of these bags done before dinner." You said cheerfully as you tucked into your lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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