Not her..

24 2 3

Beep! Beep! Beep! Ugh what the hell BEEP! BEEP! UGH. I took the alarm clock and tossed it to the floor.

"Cj hunny wake up its time for school" I know mom GIVE ME A MINUTE.

I got outta bed and began to get dressed. Hmm what should I wear I saw the dirty Pile of clothes on the floor and began to sniff.

Hmm this one smells like moms Baloney not definitely not wearing that. I began to sniff again this one smells like my dog Ranger Im wearing this for sure.

I began to brush my teeth and wash my face. "CJ HUNNY YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL"

GIVE ME A MINUTE MOM ugh why can't she understand that sometimes men need time to wake up and get dressed.

I got my school bag, headphones and obviously my phone. And rushed down the stairs.

"Morning Cj how are you" Mom are you really going to ask how i am is that really a question?

"Well Cj its something at least" yeah whatever she looked down at the floor in sadness.

Ughhhh but I guess im feeling ok "oh that's nice to hear sweet heart" yeah I guess.

Well mom I guess ill be going "what! aren't you going to eat breakfast?" Im not hungry "well then at least make me drop you off at school.

Yeah no mom I can't have people knowing my mom drops me off at school. Ill become a mamas boy

"And what's wrong with that?" Everything mom "Well ok.. But you better not get into any trouble I don't want that school to call me again Cj"

No promises "CJ!" sigh fine I'll try "good I just want back the sweet Cj I had two years ago" I looked down at the floor. Ok whatever mom I don't care!

I walked out the door and slammed it stupid mom I wish she never existed.

"CJ" huh? I looked behind me and saw joey my long time friend.
"How's it going" good I guess "that's nice here wanna a ride" A car pulled up Right beside joey

Uh sure I guess I hopped into the back seat of The car. So this is your car? "Nah its boyfriends" oh yeah I forgot you were gay.

"Actually im bisexual" oh my bad "Nah its fine" joey began to drive and I put my headphones on and listened to my time by
bo en.

"WERE HERE" huh I got out the car and looked "ah yes good old bell high school" not really the good part.

Joey began to chuckle "look four O'clock its Kena the hottest and nicest girl in school"

NICEST?! HAHA that's some kind of joke right? "No dude she's nice to everyone and she smoking hot"

No she's a lunatic student council president that gets mad at the dumbest things.

"Well maybe don't do these so called "dumb things" and she'll be nice to you"

No she doesn't deserve anything good. "Dude you're crazy im going to talk to her"

He ran over to Kena and began to have a conversation with her. I swear he never knows when to stop.

I began to walk into school "Yo Cj" I looked up and saw my friend mark walking towards me.

"You got it?" No sh*t of course I got it "sweet me and the boys will meet you at the back of school once first period starts got it"

Yeah I got ill meet you there "cool ill see you there man" mark began to walk away.

I walked to my class and took a seat at my desk. "Cj carlsin" Here! I replied.

After a few minutes she dismissed class to our first period. I rushed to the back of the school.

"Yo Cj is here" wassup guys "HEY CJ WHATS UP" Gabe shut the f*ck up "sorry I just haven't smoked a pack in these past days"

I get it but just don't shout "im glad you could bring these Cj" it was no problem Justin. Hey where's mark?

"He's talking his sweet time" damn he better hurry up "don't worry im here f*ck wads.

"Mark!" Said everyone "come on Justin take out the lighter and lets get smoking"

"Ok" I gave everyone a cigarette and began to smoke "ah now this is the sh*t" you can say that again.

We were living our lives until we heard Kena the student council presidents voice.

"Sh*t everyone run" it was too late Kena already saw us but didn't see our faces

We all began to run and Kena ran after us "STOP YOU DELINQUENTS"

"EVERYONE RUN" all the boys began to run and run but I had trouble running for the first time in forever.

But that didn't stop me I ran and ran even more but suddenly there was a rock and you could guess what happened next.

I fell onto the ground while the boys kept running "well well well Cj carlsin not really a surprise" ah shut up b*tch she looked at me with a smirk

"your call me that word when im the one who's going to be turning you into the principles office"

You think I care well I don't happy? "Well you should care because the principle and staff were actually talking about expelling you if you got into trouble one more time"

I was shocked and began to get worried and looked up at her and saw her smirking even more.

Well why'd you tell me that! "I told you that because I need names" what?.. "Names of those boys they always seem to get away when ever I almost get them"

I CAN'T DO THAT YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SH*T I'D BE IN. "Well that's your problem for hanging around the wrong crowd"

She looked at me seriously "look Cj people told me you were a good and smart kid until.. Your dad died I really don't want that potential to go in the trash"

You act like you care! You don't know what its like to lose someone you love okay! "Actually I do.. My mom and dad died in a car crash when I was ten I was traumatized"

Well I'm sorry hear that.. "yeah its sad but sometimes love ones have to go eventually"

She looked at me seriously I looked at the grass "Cj please I need names" sigh Mark, Gabe and Justin.

"Classes?" Marks in class 303 Gabe is in 106 and Justin is in 219 she exhaled "You did the right thing Cj"

She smiled and let out her hand for me to grab on. I got up myself and went to class

I looked at the corner of my eye to see she was unhappy but what else could I'd do

I know I was going to be died when they found out.


Woo hoo my book together forever? Got 8 views and stars im so happy you guys liked it just for that I made this story 😊

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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Swap of death.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ