chapter 2

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Your house was empty because your brothers entrusted you with guards and maids which made you feel alone.

Weeks had past.
You finally started visiting them. You always go to their dorms hoping you could be useful. You wanted to fix their things, clean their dorms and cook  for them. But they already had girls doing the things you wanted to do for your brothers.

You were no longer useful.

Facing them you looked happy  and were always smiling but when you were alone you looked lifeless.

Your brothers visit your house from time to time to take care of your needs but never stayed long.
Looking at your smile they thought you were fine.

One night they invited you out to a dinner. You thought it was just going to be you and your brothers moment and therefore you were excited but your excitement turned into disappointment when you saw their girls.

You weren't the center of attention you were forgotten. You felt jealous and out of place all night.

Weren't you the one they're supposed to be taking care of?

Weren't you the one They're spoiling with attention?

Weren't you the one they're spending most their time with?

You felt annoyed because of how useless you were to your brothers.

That's when you started being mean to your brothers girlfriends.
In their dorms you would often ruin thing they had prepared for your brothers telling them that it would be bad for your brothers.
You acted as if you owned the dorm when your brothers weren't there.

All your foolishness made them tell you brothers.

After a long time you were surprised your brothers had finally visited your home again.

But the looks on their faces told you that you were in trouble. You looked nervous because you have never seen them this mad. When you knew it was because of what you did to your girls your feelings were hurt.

They lectured you.

They told you they regret giving you the world and that you were SPOILED.

You distract them and that you always want attention.

You enter their dorms freely because you were their sister and that was fine for them but disrespecting the women they love crossed the line.

So they start calling you SELFISH, for always thinking about yourself and not for others.

So they ask d you to apologize.

when your brothers left you not knowing your in painWhere stories live. Discover now