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"Binxy!" I call out into the dark streets of Salem Virginia.

My loving cat Binx had run out the house again, my parents told me to watch him. I let him get away again! What am I going to do?!

I then see two teenagers and a young girl standing outside in the street.

'What are they doing?' I thought walking slowly towards the group.

"Binx!" I call out for my lost cat again.

A bus drives past me over a pothole, but over something else too.

The young girl dressed as a witch starts crying into the side of the older girl.

The thing the bus drove over sits up......... talking?

It's a black cat with piercing green eyes.

Which looks all too familiar, to my cat's eyes...

Binxy? My binxy?

"Binx!" I call out another time. This time the cat's head falls onto my figure that is lurking in the distance of the road.

The group of kids watch as the small cat runs at me.

It jumps into my arms. I catch the feline gracefully.

The kitty nuzzles into my body.

"Who are you?" I hear someone call out. It's the boy. The one from the group.

"Uh I'm (Y/N)." I awkwardly say, still hugging the cat in my arms.

"She's my owner." another boy's voice says.

It's not the kids' voice...... I look down to see the black cat's mouth moving.

I stare at it with wide eyes.

"Binxy?" the cat nods at me. I hug him tighter. "Oh! I thought I wouldn't find you! My parents are at a party, if they would have found out I didn't find you I would be in huge trouble!"

"I thought you didn't have an owner." the young witch says out of the blue.

"Well, I ran away from (Y/N) because I knew a virgin was going to light the candle. Which was this bozo right here." he motions to the boy next to the young witch who looked offended.

"What are your names?" I ask the group.




"Well, it's nice to meet you guys but I've got to get Binxy home for supper." I say to them, Dani pouts.

"Really?" I nod sadly at her.

"What if you came with us?" Allison asks. "That way we can get Binx some food and Dani gets to see him still!"

I contemplate on whether to follow them wherever they are going or take Binx and run......

"Oh alright. Wait what are you guys doing anyway?" I ask them suspiciously.

"Were trying to stay away from child-hungry witches that I woke up from their 300 year nap by lighting the black flame candle." Max says rubbing the back of his neck.

My face pales.

"Okay..." the group starts walking. I follow.

'What have I done?' I ask myself while walking behind them still petting Binxy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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𝐏𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬 [𝙃𝙤𝙘𝙪𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙘𝙪𝙨]Where stories live. Discover now