Chapter Twelve

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If this chapter is confusing for you just message me and I'll explain, or if you don't want to message me just wait till next chapter it will all clear up, hopefully

I have a question for all of you. Who would you rather end up together?




Shay/ Niall's POV

The whole ride to the hospital I stared out the window thinking of all the worst possible outcomes. Why would Kieran do that? I practically run to the lady at the front desk. "Which room is Kieran Brennan in?" I ask.

"216" She says after looking on her computer for a few seconds."

"Thank you." I say before quickly going to the room, it was on the third floor so it took a while to get there.

When I enter Kieran's room and I see him laying in the bed his face pale I quickly go to him. He looked asleep so I take a seat in the chair by his bedside. The doctor comes in a few seconds later. "Are you Mr. Brennan?" He asks.

I stand. "I am." I say. "How is he?"

"He has a hairline fracture and he was hit on the back of his head pretty hard he might have some amnesia or the loss of ability."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Is he an artist or does he play an instrument?" The doctor asks.

"He loves to draw." I say. He draws and designs comic books but hasn't wanted to publish yet.

"He might lose the ability I've seen it happen many times with patients with similar injuries. So I just want you to be ready for that." The doctor says.

"Alright thank you." After he leaves I return to my seat next to Kieran. He looked to fragile laying in the bed.
I take his hand gently and squeeze. How could I let this happen to him? If I hadn't been at Zayn's house this wouldn't have happened. But then I wouldn't know the truth, if it's real that is.

I feel like it is, I can see myself being Niall Horan. The boys of one direction even though so. So I am right? I guess a DNA test will tell me.

"S-shay?" My head snaps up at the shaky voice of my husband.

"I'm right here, baby." I say gently looking at the fragile person on the bed.

"I-I had a dream that you were gone. You left me." He says. His big brown eyes fill with tears.

"Shh sh. I'm right here." I whisper wiping away the fallen droplets from his cheek.

He looks around his eyes widen. "Am I in the hospital?" He asks.

"Yes. Do you remember why?"

"I-I got hit by a car." He says a little dazed.

"Yes, Reynolds told me you ran in front of the car, intentionally." I say gently.

"There was a cat and it was going to be hit. I saved it." He says. Kieran hated cats.

"Are you telling the truth?" I ask.

"Of course. It's not like I wanted to get hurt or die even!"' He says tensing up. "Why would I want to die? I have you. I would never want to leave you." He says

"I wouldn't want you to leave me either." I say. Only truth in my words.

There was a knock on the door and before I could get it Mr. Jacobs rushes in his security guard coming in after him. I stand up automatically. "Mr. Jacob." I say cautiously.

"What did you do to my son?" Mr. Jacobs hollers.

"Nothing." I say stiffly.

"It wasn't his fault daddy. It was mine, I ran out in the road." Kieran says.

Mr. Jacobs ignores Kieran. "Why weren't you watching him. Your his husband why weren't you watching him!?" Mr. Jacobs yells.

A nurse pokes her head inside. "Can you all please keep it down? We have other guests." She says.

"I own this hospital, one more word from you and I'll get a new nursing staff!" Mr. Jacobs yells. She quickly ducks out of the room with no more words.

"Daddy please calm down." Kieran says grabbing his fathers arm. Mr. Jacobs calms slightly down.

"Boy go wait outside. While I talk to my son." He says gesturing for me to go outside.

I sigh. "Yes sir." I walk out the door and shut the door, I hear a lock sound behind me. Of course they were discussing me. I lean against the the door sighing.

"Are you sure he still has amnesia?" Kieran's hushed tone drifts out the door.

"Why wouldn't he? Has he shown any signs of remembering?" His father asks urgently.

"You know how he was in the band before? Well he meet them again and he stayed at their house yesterday and today." Kieran says.

"Do you think they realize it's him?"

"I'm not sure, they mentioned the old Niall. I think they suspect." Kieran says.

"Then we must induce amnesia once again."

"No daddy. I love him! I love the way he is now." Kieran says.

"Do you want him to be taken away from you. If he remembers everything you and I have worked towards will be lost." Mr. Jacobs growls.

I am Niall. I'm Niall Horan. I was kidnapped and induced with amnesia.


I feel someone grab me behind, I struggle against the grip trying to fight became anyway I can but their grip is to strong. Their hand claps over my mouth, in their hand is a cloth. What is that sm-?

.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....


"Niall? Niall are you alright?" A familiar voice asks from somewhere above.

"Y-yeah. Why am I on the floor?" I ask opening my eyes to see four faces looking down at me.

"You fell off your bunk. We- we thought you were never going to wake up again. You didn't respond to our calls. No matter what we did you wouldn't wake up." Harry says his voice shaking.

"Are you ok?" Liam asks inching closer.

"Yeah. But with all of you surrounding me like this I'm getting a little claustrophobic." I admit.

"Oh sorry." Zayn says as they all quickly back away. I sit up feeling the back of my head for a bump. Ow! There it is.

"It's ok." I say softly. "I had the weirdest dream that I was kidnapped and I had amnesia and I didn't remember any of you." I say rubbing the back of my head.

"Really?" Louis asks.

"Yeah and I was married to this guy named Kieran." I say.

"What do you mean Shay? You still are." Kieran haunting voice taunts.

"No! No!" I yell.

"Niall what's wrong?" Zayn's aka putting a hand in my shoulder.

"Shay come back to me. It can still work." Keiran says in my head.

"No!!!" I yell sitting in bed, a hospital bed.

Sorry that it's forever but I hope you enjoyed. Five comments to continue

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