Chapter 4: Starting the Journey

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"DEAN THIS IS THE MOST WRECKLESS THING YOU'VE EVER THOUGHT OF DOING!!" Shouted Castiel as Dean looked at the ground knowing Castiel didn't understand. "What was your plan after the child was born?! Were you going to stay a demon?!" Barked Castiel as Dean's eyes widened.
"YES! Why?! You want me torn apart like Drayton Grey?!" Shouted Dean.
"Dean, Drayton Grey was only torn apart like that because Angels purified his soul!" Barked Castiel.
"How did angels fail at purifying a soul?" Asked Dean.
"Because our goal wasn't to purify him it was to kill him!" Shouted Castiel as Dean's eyes grew wide.
"Why?!" Demanded Dean.
"Because Dean before I raised you from perdition I blindly followed orders like a good little soldier and if my orders were to murder a demon, his husband ,and his son in cold blood I did it without question I did it because to me the offspring of a demon or an angel was an abomination that needed to be put down like a rabid dog!" Shouted Castiel as Dean had a softer expression on his face.
"You never told me that I was the reason you questioned your orders." Said Dean in a soft and caring kind of tone.
"Of course you were were the first I disobeyed. Once we were informed that you broke the first seal, I was told to leave you there but I convinced my commanding officer that you could still be of use to us and you were just not the way they wanted." Stated Castiel as he started to tear up. "The moment I gripped you tight I knew that you weren't just another human, I knew that not only were you important to the rest of the world but you would become the most important person in my life." Stated Castiel as he started to feel that deep love he had for Dean fill his chest.
"See Cas this why I am even considering such a stupid idea!" Stated Dean as he also started to cry placing his hand on the side of Castiel's face.
"So you know how stupid your being?" Asked Castiel with a tearful tone and small laugh.
"Of course I do Cas! I could die doing this!" He said with a grin. "But if you really want kids than I would die a hundred times over again to make it happen." Said Dean as hot tears flowed from his eyes down his cheeks. "That's how much I love you." Said Dean as Castiel kissed him.
"I love you too Dean." Said Castiel as he had tears flow down his cheeks as well. "But you won't end up like Drayton going through the purification process because our goal back them was to kill him but as a demon created by magic he was incredibly powerful so we purified him and ripped apart his body hoping that his soul would go to Heaven and we'd be done with him but that was not the case." Stated Castiel as he wiped the tears from his face.
"Well that's good to know." Stated Dean with a smile.

After they collected themselves Dean walked back into the cabin with Castiel and explained to Drayton that this was the man he wanted to have a child with. "Well then you'll definitely need to become a demon to have an angel's kid." Scoffed Drayton as he sipped his bourbon. "A human would be killed bearing the child of an angel, but if you become a demon you'll be fine." Stated Drayton as he had a joint in his mouth and was liting it.
"Didn't you just finish one of those?" Asked Sam as Drayton flipped him off.
"Sam whatever's in that joint is keeping his ghosts away and keeping them harmless so shut up." Stated Dean as he sat next to Sam and Castiel sat next to Dean.
"What he's smoking is a mixture of sage and-" Castiel paused and sniffed the air. "And marijuana." He stated as Drayton took a drag.
"Keeps them calm, keeps me calm." Stated Drayton as he exhaled. "Where were we! Aw yes! Um so you're both in agreement that you want to do this?" Asked Drayton as Dean and Castiel looked at each other and nodded.
"Yes." Stated Dean as he took Castiel hand.
"Alright then follow me." Stated Drayton as he stood and walked over to a door opening it. It led down to a basement with the room looking like an operating room. "Don't be frightened by the way it looks, most of the blood is mine." Stated Drayton as he, Dean, Sam, and Castiel walked down the steps. Drayton walked deeper into the room and flicked on a light revealing that the operating table in center of the room with symbols carved into it. "Alright let's get this started." Stated Drayton as he walked over to a work station and began to make something. He then brought over a bowl of some black liquid and held a knife. He held out his hand to Dean and Dean hesitantly gave him his hand which Drayton then took the knife and slit Dean's palm draining a small amount of his blood into the bowl. He mixed it then took a small brush and painted over the carved symbols on the table. Once he was done he had Dean lie on the table. Both Sam and Castiel were concerned about what would happen to Dean so they watched as Drayton preformed the spell but were ready to stop everything the moment something went wrong.
"So what the hell are you gonna do to me exactly?" Asked Dean as he sat up but Drayton placed his hand on Dean's chest and shoved him back down.
(Drayton's next line is pronounced as Spite)
"Spat'!" He spoke as he shoved Dean back down onto the table and Dean did not say another word though both Sam and Castiel knew that Dean would've put up a fight.
"Dean!" Stated Castiel as he gripped Dean's hand and placed his other hand on the side of Dean's face.
"Don't worry it'll wear off in a few hours." Stated Drayton as he set the bowl off to the side onto a surgical steel cart.
"What did you do to him!?" Barked Sam as Drayton smiled.
"Like it? Little trick I picked up from my summer with Baba Yaga, it's Russian for sleep. If anyone who has ever performed magic more than once by themself, speak it while placing their hand on someone's chest then the person they were touching will fall into the deepest 8 hour sleep of their life. It works on humans, demons, even angels occasionally so if he pisses you off then just use that to calm his ass down." Stated Drayton as he went over to his work station and started on something.
"So how are you gonna turn him into a demon?" Asked Sam as he walked over to Drayton and watched him.
"Well there are many ways to create a demon but all of them involve actual demons or an Arch Angel to be in play but there is this way which is a lot less deadly and a little more reversible." Stated Drayton as he took a syringe of blood. "So you know how you would turn a demon soul into a human soul?" Asked Drayton as Sam nodded.
"Yeah you inject the demon with the blood of a holy man." Stated Sam as Drayton nodded.
"Yep well I'm gonna do the exact opposite of that. It was tricky to find the blood of a true sinner but I finally found it." Stated Drayton as he grinned. "Ever heard of the Zodiac Killer?" Asked Drayton as Sam's eyes grew wide.
"No." He stated as Drayton looked at him with a smile.
"He made a deal with a demon and asked for two things, to never get caught and to live long enough to finish what he started. A few years ago I found him as a shut in, he wanted to die so I killed him and collected his all of his blood for the next time I wanted to become a demon or needed to make someone else a demon." Stated Drayton as he unzipped a pouch and revealed dozens of more syringes. He walked over to Dean and started to injected Dean with the blood.

The process took a long while but finally after 7 hours of injections Dean woke bearing black eyes but was unaware of a change in him until they showed him his reflection. Not only did Dean see his eyes but he saw his demonic face it brought him to feel disgusted by himself. Drayton instructed them that they would need to stay in town that night for the next spell in the morning. He offered up his extra rooms but they felt uncomfortable sharing a house with Drayton for even a single night so they got a motel room. Dean tried to sleep but felt himself becoming restless. He slept maybe an hour that night but spent the rest of the time with Cas at a bar. "Dean are you sure this how you want to spend your time?" Asked Castiel as he watched Dean take his 12th shot within the last hour.
"Cas I would kill to spend this much time with you everyday!" Stated Dean with a wide grin.
"That's sweet, Dean but not what I meant. Are you sure you want to be spending all night drinking?" Asked Castiel as Dean shook his head.
"Oh Cas I'm just getting started! This is my first night as a demon I want to make it special!" Said Dean as he took another shot and Castiel narrowed his eyes looking at Dean confused. "Come on Cas don't you ever think of getting railed, or doing the railing?" Asked Dean seductively as his words were lost on Castiel so he sighed rolling his eyes.
"I don't understand what you're asking me." Stated Castiel as Dean hung his head.
"Cas do you wanna have sex or not?" Asked Dean as Castiel's eyes grew wide, his face felt hot, and he felt other things felt tighter. As his gaze drifted down to his lap Dean grinned. "I'll take that as a yes." Stated Dean as he pulled out his wallet and paid for his drinks then grabbed Castiel's arm dragging him out of the bar.

He drug him to the motel lobby and ordered another room about three doors down from Sam. "Dean I'm not sure if I'm ready for this..." Stated Castiel nervously as he held Dean's hand as they walked down to their new room.
"It's ok I'll take it slow Cas." Stated Dean as he unlocked the room and swung open the door. He walked in flicking on the lights but then realized that was a bad idea because both of their energies were causing the lights to flicker. Dean took note of the candles lining the room and left Castiel on the bed while he lit them. "That's better." Stated Dean as he walked over to Castiel who seemed nervous. Dean sat next to him moving Castiel's hand from his lap and placing it on the soft bed. He held his hand there for a while then leaned closer and kissed Castiel gently, his lips were warm and comforting. Castiel kissed back placing his hand on Dean's thigh. "See not as scary as you thought." Stated Dean as he felt Castiel's hand drift onto his inner thigh. They kissed a little more before Dean pulled Castiel up onto his lap holding his thighs. Castiel threw off his trench coat tossing it across the room, Dean did the same with his flannel. As they slowly undressed they felt so much closer than they had been these passed few weeks. Over that time they had been so far apart whether physically or mentally, never fully in the moment with each other but now they both felt present in each other's minds completely.

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