~ A Battle of Strength ~

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(3rd POV)

As the battle went on it moved to outside the palace when Hollyberry and dark cacao cookie launched each other threw a window " Give up! there's more of us then more of you! " they heard pure vanilla yell " Never! i'll give up when YOU are dead! " Dark enchantress yelled back before launching another spell at him, causing him to dodge out of the way and let Golden cheese launch her spear at the evil cookie when White lily cookie then disappeared into thin air " WHITE LILY COOKIE!! " 

Meanwhile on the inside of the palace...

Latte threw a counter spell at pomegranate cookie, who quickly dodged and fired one back at her "Will you do anything!? " pomegranate yelled at the other dark cookies,who then split into the chaos and caused their own battles, Licorice had his minions causing chaos, Dark choco was battling White choco cookie, and Red velvet was no where to be found as he stalked up on Pastry, who was helping the children get out of the fighting " PASTRY LOOK OUT! " Cherry yelled as Red velvet swung his sword, only to hit the floor and get shot with an arrow " Stay back! " A loud voice suddenly yelled, they all turned to see unknown cookies pile in and distract the dark cookies " Run! " The cookies then began to leave while the unknown cookies continued to battle.

" That was a lot of cookies, you think they're okay? " Walnut asked her father " They'll be fine, i'm sorta worried for the dark cookies, they are out numbered " Almond cookie answered before patting his daughters head and walking over to talk to Latte and Roquefort cookie " This wasn't JUST a attack, i didn't even see whipped cream cookie or clover cookie! they set us up! " Pastry spoke to Reverend Mother cookie " i believe so my dear, but they are both still missing! i will not give up on them! " Pastry nodded at the wise cookie's words before walking away to take a breather.

Back at the palace... 

Whipped cream cookie POV

I woke up in a soft bed with chains keeping my hands together ' Where am i?! ' I sat up and looked around, the room was dark and had a soft scent of dark chocolate " Oh, Your awake. " A gruff voice suddenly said, i quickly turned to see a dark cookie with crimson eyes, a scar on one of his eyes, and armor that looked like he just got out of a fight " W-Who are y-you?! Where a-am i?! " I squeaked out before yelping as he walked over and covered my mouth with his hand " be quiet and listen. Your in Dark Enchantress Cookie's Palace and i was told to guard you and make sure you stay here, got it " His voice sent shivers down my spine but i nodded away " Good " he then uncovered my mouth " stay here, i'll get you something to eat " " ok... " 

Words: 515

I finished this at 1:24 in the morning

~ The Wolf and The Priest ~ a Red Velvet Cookie x Pastry CookieWhere stories live. Discover now