princess paranoia (Dolores' backstory)

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TW// SA, Suicide and Murder


Dolores' Perspective:

"Dolores Moreno"

My birthday is the 12th of November and I was an immigrant from Columbia, when I was 2 someone left me on the steps of a big building,

This was my first ever memory and I now know that the building was a police station and the person who left me there was my mom, Sara Florencia Moreno; she killed herself that evening,

When I asked my social worker what had happened to my mother and she told me that...

My Dad's in jail serving a 30-year sentence for accessory to murder and illegal use of a firearm, so I won't be seeing him any time around,

Well... I did visit him once though but I'll get into that later.

I've been in foster care for my entire life since then and I swear to god CPS knows more about me than I'll ever know,

I've been fostered by a bunch of people all over the US, and it always went the same way,

They wanted an ethnic child to be charitable and feel good about themselves, so when they got me they treated me like a princess,

But after I while they got sick of me, everyone always gets sick of me.

The last foster family I was with claimed that I was too stressful to look after,


The family that I'm with right now are my adopted family, they fostered me despite all of those things,

and at that time I was entering 6th grade and adopted me soon after,

My adoptive parents, Mark and Felicity Garner, live in a small area called Druin-Peace Town which is where I met Shawny and the others; I joined their school.

I liked Shawn because he understood me a lot better than the others... but there was one person always getting in my way,

Aisha Mensa,

She'd joined a year after me but Shawny looked at her with so much love and always gave her his full attention which pissed me off,

But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't hate Aisha, she was so sweet and had this charm about her that everyone liked,

I wanted to be exactly like her, so I spent the most time with her but looking back on it know we only got even more different from each other,

She told me her favourite colour was pink that's all she ever wore, and after we found out that she'd seemingly vanished,

I walked my dog, Muffin, to the nearest store and bought a bunch of hot pink hair dye,

My parents thought that I was just paying tribute to Aisha because we were always together,

But I did it as a constant reminder that Aisha loved me but I became her best friend for all the wrong reasons,

No one else knew that, that's why I did it so no one else would've punished me for it so the least I could do was punish myself,

I stopped doing lots of things that I loved when she disappeared, I would play the oboe, she'd play the flute and we'd practice together,

My oboe was locked away in the attic, Felicity and Mark probably understand why I didn't play after what'd happened but they still missed me playing,

I would play it every day our house was filled with music and now there was nothing.

For a few weeks after Aisha disappeared I couldn't leave my bed, and when I say I couldn't leave I mean not for any reason,

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