To My Natural Disaster

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I am destruction.

Not a hurricane nor flood,

Neither tornado nor thunderstorm,

I am the destruction

That kisses you,

That whispers like howling winds

Telling you words that mean nothing

To a destruction like me.

You stare wondrously into my eyes, but I warn you:

My eyes carry false comfort.

You think the worst has cleared away,

But soon you will find yourself

Back in the whirlwind, the wall,

Grasping for a lifeline.

Storms by my name have no mercy,

And your efforts are wasteful.

Waves of emotions crash your senses,

And you love the water,

Lively, passionate, and freeform.

Once replenishing, now unstoppable,

For once you swim here,

I will find you when you least expect me,

Uncontained and crashing through your world.

Everything you loved

Come to consume you.

You thought you were dry

But when you least expect it,

I will flood into you,

And you will drown.

This summer was supposed to be clear skies,

You thought,

A blissful rebirth of the earth.

But when our fronts collide,

The sky turns a sickly green,

And my true self tumbles from the horizon,

A swirling mass of everything you'd least expect.

No siren can scream this warning for you:

I will pick you up,

Spin you around,

Scramble everything you thought you knew,

And spit you out again,

Leaving splinters wedged in your mind.

You meet me, and sparks fly;

Our connection is static:

Beautiful, but not permanent.

You think its fireworks,

Building to the grand moment when

I become an array of magnificent colors for your splendor.

But this sky quicker, stealthier, and more thunderous,

For I- like lightning- will strike you down.

There is no assistance,

For people will sit on their porches and watch the strobes

Until I've claimed my victim

And passed on.

You held me close,

And I slaughtered you like a lamb

With the radical suggestion

That this might last forever.

In a few months I will replace you.

Forever is never,

For every time we meet,

Naturally, my dear, it's a disaster,

And you keep tossing yourself back into the flames.

You think I am harmless?

I will burn over you like lava.

I will cool and harden into your memories.

Every time you graced my skin I singed off your fingerprints;

No one can ever tell that you touched me

Except you.

I am destruction.

I run a rampant path.

I do not intend to hurt you.

At the same time,

I do not notice you.

I will destroy you.

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