ok i might've burnt my kitchen - 0:13pm

11 1 4

This apartment was an utter fucking mess.

A tall girl stood in front of a burnt frying pan in disbelief. How. Literally how does someone burn a pan, leaving the contents in it cold and uncooked? Sebin had just gotten off a 15 hour stream for charity, playing games non-stop with a few friends and laughing for minutes straight had completely depleted her social battery for the next two weeks or so.  At first she'd thought of ordering take-out but nooo. Her stupid monkey brain had decided to go to the kitchen at 4 am, sleep deprived and not in the right mind.

The smoke alarm wasnt screaming like hell, so. Sebin took that as a sign that she hadn't messed up too badly, assuming there's a point of no return in mistakes. Only action to take now? Is to call for takeout and maybe post this on twitter to get a laugh out of it. It's pink sides were charred, the underside must've been even worse. Sebin didn't bother to check and sent the pan for a nosedive deep into a trash bin.

Anyways. Back to work.

   ↳ Na Sebin
      🖇> "/alias/; sev, svtmbr
📂date of birth
   ↳ September 9, 1999
   ↳ Heterosexual
   ↳ She, Her
📂blood type
   ↳ A
   ↳ Female
   ↳  South Korean
   ↳ 170cm
   ↳ 50kg

📂name   ↳ Na Sebin      🖇> "/alias/; sev, svtmbr📂date of birth   ↳ September 9, 1999📂sexuality   ↳ Heterosexual📂pronouns   ↳ She, Her 📂blood type   ↳ A📂gender   ↳ Female📂nationality   ↳  South Korean📂height   ↳ 170cm📂weight   ↳ 50kg

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"thanks for the $50.. 'your mom'"

   ↳ This loud streamer prefers screaming over virtual road rage in racing games and playfully shit talking while killing enemies in FPS matches over peace.  As fast paced games quickly became an addiction and constantly fueled her competitive spirit, this affected her daily life by making almost everything a race. Also having a short temper does not help at all with her anger issues, major problems in controlling emotions. On the bright side, at least you'll have someone out-there enough to beat someone up for you. Don't take this the wrong way, she can be kind when she wants to. It's only  her impulsive and easily angered side is way too overpowering than it needs to be. And whenever she isn't in front of a camera and recharging her social battery, she's surprisingly laid-back. Though people rarely see her like this because Sebin always tries to avoid fans or people in general during her down-time.

   ↳ furiously blinking her eyes>> biting her lips >> hands are always holding something (if empty, she will flex her wrists and do hand exercises, pull on each of her fingers, etc.) >> fixing hair >> rocking back and forth on feet >> Restless.

   ↳ both earlobes

   ↳ none

📂does she smoke/drink?
   ↳ she isn't much of a smoker but will take a stick once in a while. Sebin's a heavy drinker, though. Because she has an insanely high tolerance to alcohol, it makes good content mid-streams. She prides herself off of it.

   ↳ [1, Strawberry shortcake // [2, Soda // [3, Figurines
      🖇> Collecting parts and building PC's are one of her pass times.  >Tangerines are her favorite fruit.   >Boba.
>Plushies of her favorite video game characters >Baggy clothing

   ↳ [1, Cherries // [2, Hugging // [3, Insects
      🖇> Being close to someone who has a particularly strong smelling perfume or cologne will instantly make Sebin sick.
>Losing is not an option.   >Spam donations 

   ↳ Mother_> Yang ▆▆▆▆, (presumably deceased)
       Father_> Shin ▆▆▆▆▆, (presumably deceased)
After the disappearance of her parents, Sebin had changed her last name as to not associate with any relatives or family friends that may try and reach out to her. Having neglectful parents was almost like living alone at an early age for Sebin, so after turning ten she'd move into a close friend's house whose family had welcomed her with open arms.

   ↳ Information seller/broker, Streamer
>Just a little digging won't hurt, right? Who knew strangers desperate enough were paying huge sums of money to get addresses and personal information in hand. She'd even get in contact with a few important people and gained connections because of this. What luck.

On the other hand, getting to sit on your ass and play games while screaming is a cool job too.

   ↳ 19th floor High rise apartment

📂residence   ↳ 19th floor High rise apartment

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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