part one

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I am sitting in an airplane with some music up to keep me calm during the flight, I'm on my way to my grandma's. (I'm sorry people who are scared of airplanes, I'm scared too and I regret fully chosing an airplane for this part...) I look outside and after a view seconds of looking I notice the airplane falling down. Everyone starts to get wild and stressed, the staff tries to keep everyone calm bud it doesn't really work. After a view seconds off falling down I feel myself lose consciousness.

I wake up in a really weird forest, I see no one and I get a uneasy feeling about this. I look to the ground and see that I'm taller then usual, I also see that I have claws instead of hands and feet, my legs are the same as you would see by horses and goats and I have a tail. "What the muffin happened to me?" I ask to myself, off course I got no answer. (DemonBoyHalo)
I call for someone, I scream at the top of my longs but no one said something. After a view minutes I give up and sit down. (Never give up people, there's always light at the end of the tunnel!!)

I hear someone come closer so I turn around and see someone, they look about the same as me, have a orange coloured fur around their legs, soft pink paw pads, sharp nails, 2 red horns and they are really tall, about 10f tall. (That is if I did it right, 3 meters and 1 cm tall, I'm bad at maths don't get mad at me if I'm wrong...) I have brown coloured fur around my legs like my hair colour and an broken halo above my head.

I start the conversation: oh, eh, hello, who are you? I'm Darryl bud I prefer you call me badboyhalo, or bad for short."

"Oh... Ohh, hi? How did you come here? I'm Satan, you weren't supposed to be here, we would keep this empty for thatveganteacher." (Idk, I just thought it would be funny to include here, I have no hate towards her.)

"I don't know, I ca- I can't... Remember..."

"Well... Tell me what you do know then, maybe we'll find out what happened."

" I would go to my grandma's to help her, I was very nervous cause I'm scared of planes, I called my mom before the plane went off and told her we were gonna board. Tha- that's all I remember..."

"Hmm, interesting... It seems like you've probably died during a plane crash."

"Wh- WHAT?! I- I DIED?! WHO'S GONNA TAKE CARE OF MY GRANDMA?" (Wow, calm down bad...)

"I have an idea, because we've exadentally send you to hell, I think we could maybe send you back to earth to take care of your grandma, you can live your life normally again. Ones in a while I come by to see how everything's going cause it's getting kinda lonely here now and then."

"Sure, bud how am I going to get to my grandma? We probably stranded in the middle of the ocean."

"Don't worry about that, goodbye, take care!"

Everything started to become blurry and then I fell down...

The first part, what do you guys think? It's a lot of talking for now, bud It's gonna get better, I promise. I hope you all enjoy this story! Oh, and should I put zoophiles instead of thatveganteacher, cause zoophiles are worse tbh. How are y'all? I'm proud of you regardless what you did, cause you did your best and that what matters, except if your tried killing someone.

a little mistake {badboyhalo story}Where stories live. Discover now