Chapter 1 {A Flicker}

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Italic is when Hellfire is talking telepathically, and Bold is when Slender is.

"Why are you here." The "Therapist" asked me.

I looked at him, annoyed. Do you really want to know?


No you don't.

"And how do you figure that?"

I've been asked that question at least a million times.

"Just answer the question."

Is it a comforting fact that you'll be shipped to a Mental Asylum just like this one after your done with me?

"Just. Answer. The. Damn. Question."

I half shrugged. The damn straight-jacket didn't let me move. The muzzle is what was preventing me of speaking.

If you insist.

I stabbed my older sister's and younger brother's heads with my dagger, than slit my fucking mothers throat and watched her drown in her own blood. Then cut out my fathers tonuge and shoved it down his throat so that he suffocated.

I wrote burn in hell on the white wall behind them with their blood, than called the police. They came. I killed everyone I could reach until they drugged me. Then they brought me here.

He looked scared already. How weak humans are. How easy they are to break.

"W-why are you wearing that?" He motions to the straight-jacket and muzzle.

I tilted my head, You know all of this. Why do we have to go over it again and again?

"Answer the questions if you want dinner tonight."

Ugh, fine. The first week I killed everyone I could reach. Then I was drugged again, and woke up in this.

"How many years have you been here?"


"Been outside?"


"If you could, would you kill me."

I looked at him. The "Therapist" Was staring at his clipboard in confusion. 

Well that was a new question.

Of course.

He cleared his throat. "Then that is all. Guards!"

~* Time skip brought to you by Jeff the Killer, the girly girl of the creepypastas. 



Jeff: *Muttering* It isn't my fault that me hair is better than yours. *Sassy hairflip.*   *~

After being throne into my cell and chained to the wall, I sat on my bed and stared at the window. I was one of the luck ones. Well, besides the whole chain thing. My window faced the woods.

It was taunting at times. I haven't been outside in seven fucking years. I needed to be out there. 

The dark oak trees mixed with the pine, ash, and sycamore trees. 

And in the middle of the dark woods, in a small clearing, lay a slender silvery willow tree. It's shiny bark glinted in the moonlight like a knife.

I thought I saw a flicker of something black and white besides the willow tree, but when I looked, there was nothing there. Oh well.

~The Next Day~

The "Therapist" didn't get the guards to grab me for "therapy" today, so I guess that means that I broke him. Don't worry about that little fucker. He's probably tucked in a small bed in an Asylum just like mine. At least he can eat solid food, the lucky bastard.

I'll be getting a new "therapist" soon enough, so no worries.


I was sitting on my bed, chained and hungry. They HaVeN't FeD mE YeT. 

At around 3:25 am, someone walked in front of the window I was looking out of. I *Cough cough* kindly *Cough cough* asked him to get out of the way. 

It came out as: Can you move the fuck out of the way, I'm trying to get to sleep so I can escape this shitty hell for a little while, and your kinda blocking the thing that helps me get to fucking sleep, so if you could move your ass and come back another time, that would be great.

All he did was chuckle. Oo0h, he was telepathic, like me.

He was very tall, had a black suit with a white undershirt and black tie. His skin was white as clean snow, and he had no face. 

And I thought I was a freak.

Heh, I still am.

Child, do you need help getting out of here?

I pretended to think.

Nah, I can get out by myself.

Then why are you still here.

Because I have no where to go, and I don't know about you, but I rather not live on the streets when everyone on them want me dead.

What if I offered to train you as one of my proxies.


Murderers. Assassins. Killers.

Sounds great, but why would you offer this to me?

Because you're special. 

I raised an eyebrow. And you know this how?

I can feel it. So, will you accept my offer.

Who are you.


Very well, Slender, I'll join and train to become one of your "Proxies".

Perfect. I will send one of my proxies to help you escape tomorrow around noon. Follow his orders exactly.

I nodded.

I'll see you tomorrow at the Mansion then.

Mansion? This keeps getting better and better.

See ya tomorrow, Slender.

He teleported away. 

Finally, I'm getting out of here.

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