Part 1- The Suicide Note..

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It all started with a note. A note of pain and tears. Harry and Louis had been in fights lately. It tore the whole band apart,but also pulled them closer than ever before. Some closer than others.

Harry's POV-

  I couldn't sleep at all. All I could here is Louis crying his heart out,some how it all stopped. For once I'd like to go to bed without the tears. Finally,I had the courage to walk outside the door. I checked for the boys,I didn't want them to see me cry. No one was there?

"They just slept in a little." I told myself.

I went to the bathroom,blood all over the floor and a note.

"Dear Harry,

Why, Harry? Why did you do it? Did you think it was funny? Did you think I was going to laugh? Whatever, Harry. I didn't laugh and I most certainly did not find it funny.

I'm sorry I didn't follow you home. I'm so, so sorry. It should of been me that got hurt. Not you. Everyone likes me because I'm the 'funny' one. That's the only reason. My own fan's call me gay when I'm not. I'm hated. 

When I got the Phone-call saying something had happened to you I didn't know what to think. I couldn't believe it. 

How are you feeling? Good, I hope.

Liam's going back to Wolverhampton, to live with his family again and Niall's going with him. Liam broke down in to tears when he found out. He spent a week in his room without coming out. I literally thought he had stopped eating but Niall had been bringing him food. He broke up with Danielle at the start of the Week. He quotes 'It just wasn't working out.'.

I think it was working out though. It was, wasn't it, Harry? I think he's just hurting. I know you two weren't very close, I mean, I'm not one to judge, but.

Zayn has smoked 20 Cigarettes today and it's not even 12pm. I'm so worried about him, Harry. Last night, we had an argument because he called me gay. Harry, it really hurt! He kept saying it and knocking my shoulder back with his hands. He wanted a fight. I could never hit him, Harry. You know that, right? He and Perrie were doing well, they've been together for nearly 5 months but now an Article was in the paper had been posted saying Zayn had cheated on Perrie. Perrie got really angry cried to me on the Phone. I never was that close with Perrie, but she's a lovely girl. 

This, you won't believe. Niall's brought home 3 girl's in the last 3 days. It's worrying to think he may be turning in to something nasty. He cries in his room all day. He's up 'till god knows what time, but then again, so am I. He's not eaten much these past 2 week's. I feel bad for Niall because he and you were very close. Not as close as us though. Niall is going to live with Liam, (Like I said.) and is going in a week, or so. He's even said he may aswell dye his hair Brown because nobody want's him in the group. It's not true though, Harry, is it? 

Please don't blame me, Harry. I swear, I would of followed you home but I was too caught up in the moment. Please, don't hate me. I don't know what I'd do if you hated me. 

Do you want to know about me? 

I'm a total wreck. I've not slept in days and I've drained all of the tears from my body. I have multiple cuts on my arm's... and legs. I've not eaten in days nor had anything to drink. I've not been out or seen the sunlight in what seems forever. I know you're probably so ashamed of me right now.

One Direction have split up for a bit, we're having a break. We will be a band again, though. One day, Harry.

I don't really know what to write, Harry. 

This will be the last letter I write to you.

You died in pain... didn't you? I wish I could have been there with you. I wanted to be able to whisper to you that everything would be ok, but I couldn't. I can't. I'll never be able to speak to you again unless it's in my dreams.

When ever I close my eyes I picture you on the lying on the floor in your blood. I see your face. Scrunched up and pain written all over it. I cry. I cry because this is all my fault. Best friend's should always be there for each other and I wasn't there for you! I wasn't there for you, Harry! 

I'll never forget your curly hair, or your Green eyes. The way we'd hug in random places at random times. I'll miss the laugh's we had and the cries we shared. I'll miss the time's when you'd look after me when I was ill. Do you remember that time when I got food poisoning? Do you remember how you wouldn't leave my side until I was better? I'll miss that.

I'll miss the time's when we'd watch 'Titanic' in the early morning and I'd look over to and see you crying behind a Cushion. I'll miss the food fight's we had and the Concerts we did. I'll miss the interviews where me and you would have our private jokes and give each other weird looks. 

I'm the one that misses you the most, Harry. No matter what anybody says. It'll always be me. We had the strongest bond and nobody could ever break that. I miss you so much, Harry. 

My heart is broken.

Not for much longer, right, Harry? I hope we're going to be in the same place. I'm sat in the Bathroom on the cold tiles whilst writing this. 2 bottles of Pills and 1 big bottle of Vodka. 

I'll be with you soon, Harry. I'll be able to see your face soon. We'll be together again. I promise.

I love you, Haz.

Forever and always,

Louis. X "

In shock,I called for the boys. No answer. I checked there rooms. Nobody was home. I called up Liam. 

"Harry not now! I'm dealing with something!" He shouted with panic in his voice.

"Where is Lou?!"

"...He's in the hospital..Now I have to go." He choked out

I heard a voice in the background.

"Louis. Don't die.. Not today." 

It was Niall. Always positive. Finally Liam hung up. My heart sunk into my chest. It felt like someonee had just taken my heart and stabbed it. Louis was in there because of me!  

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