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heyy yall- just a psa...tmmr is monday and this week is all my midterms so it'll be crazy- but i wont have hw- SO I MIGHT BE ABLE TO WRITE MOREEE!!! also it's almost my winter break which means ill have a lotta free time :) ANYWAYS READ ON AND ENJOY 

Nini's pov

I slip into my coat and put my boots back on as I walk out the door. Just as I shut the door behind me, Eric pulls up.

"Hi!", I greet.

He smiles, "You wanted to know where the town is?"

I nod, "Yeah...can I just like stroll around and look at shops? I need to destress."

"Yes, of course. If you go down this road and take a left, you'll enter in the town. You can walk up and down the sidewalks and there are stores all along them.", he informs.

"Thank you so much.", I say as Eric leaves.

I lock my house door and begin walking down the pathway. I soon arrive in the town and there are families and people walking up and down the sidewalks. As I walk, I kinda window shop for anything that I could use for decorating the castle.

It was so beautiful downtown. Christmas decorations were scattered everywhere. It was clear they took Christmas very seriously. Garland was strung from store to store, along with lights. It was magical. I could only imagine how beautiful it'll look at nighttime.

Ricky's pov

I'm scrolling through my phone on my bed when I hear a faint knock on the door.

"Come in", I say.

I sit up and see Kourtney walk inside.

"Hey...we're all going into town? Wanna come?", she says, peaking her head in.

I shrug, "Guess so?"

"Really?!", her face lights up.

"Y-yeah...what's so surprising?", I question, shrugging into my coat.

"I don't know...I assumed you'd say no.", she chuckles.

I roll my eyes and walk down the stairs with her. Howie, Red, Gi, and EJ were all standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting.

"Hey you're coming?!", EJ exclaims.

I nod my head as he pats my shoulder, content. We walk through the doors and get into the black limousine as we begin to drive into town. I look out the window and noticed how snowy it was. I also noticed the Christmas decorations. It made me feel...annoyed, but I kept my mouth shut so my friends could enjoy it.

The car soon stopped, and we all got out, beginning to walk down the sidewalk.

"Looking for anything in particular?", I ask, shoving my hands into my coat pockets.

"Not really...just kinda looking around and hanging out.", Gina replies.

The group walks ahead as I kinda fall back, getting swept into my thoughts.

My home is soon gonna be decorated like this. All thanks to that Nini girl. Just as I begin to get caught up in thinking about her, I bump into a figure.

"Oh- I- I'm so sorry"

I look down. It's her. Of course, it is.

We make eye contact and neither of us move. It was silent and there was awkward tension as we both stood there.

She clears her throat, "Oh uh- R-Ricky? What're you- what're you doing out?"

I blink a couple times, getting my thoughts straight, "Uh- my friends- they- dragged me out here..."

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