~ Part one~

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It was a morning and i was supposed to wake up early but no surprise I woke up late. I rushed to get ready and ran to school. I went in class and I heard the teacher say: ur late again.' I said it wasn't my fault as it wasn't-. She gave me an detention which pissed me off so much. 'WHAT THE FUCK' I yelled and I went to detention which was boring as hell. Wilbur: i walked in and just said 'heyyyy.' The teacher said 'ur late to.' I said 'really. No shit Sherlock.' And then i got an detention- so I went to detention about to write and pen fucking breaks. W: uhm miss my pen died- Q: how does a pen fucking die?! W: I DONT FUCKING KNOW ASK THE PEN- quackity: teacherrrrr teacher: what. Q: Can i move seats away from this dumbass. W: rude, Q: rUde 🙄
W: Yk what- *gets up and walks out* I'm going home - Q: YAY HES GONE!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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