Thank You

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I can't believe you've actually managed to get through this doo-doo. Well... I hope your journey was a good one, and that you didn't suffer too much getting through this. 

I'd like to finish off by saying that this was, in fact, my first ever fully completed book. I'm not yet sure how to feel about it being a Bucky Barnes fan-fiction, but hey, you gotta start somewhere.

While writing this I've really got to learn more about who Mila is as a person, as well as soldier. I hope that you, too, have grown to love her the way I have. I think it's very valuable to one day find someone - as Bucky found Mila - that you can truly call a friend. Not just someone you'd invite to hang, but rather, someone you'd stay with for however long the world will let you. (See what I did there.)

I guess this is the end of this nearly 75,000 word journey. Thank you - whether it's just Emily, or someone else by now - thank you for taking the time to travel with these characters with me. It means a lot knowing that something I wrote doesn't have to be stuck only in my mind. (Haha now it's stuck in yours!)

One last time, I hope you liked it. :)

Ebony Rouge

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