Chapter 2

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It was the next morning and I woke up to Taeyong playing with his toys. I picked up my phone and looked at the time and it was 8 am.

"Hey Taeyong do you want breakfast?"

"Yes mommy." I gave him a small smile.

"Ok lets go and brush our teeth." I picked him up from the floor and carried him to the bathroom across from his room. We sang songs as we brushed our teeth together and Tae stood by the bathroom door until we got done. "OK lets go get some breakfast baby." I tried walking pass Tae without saying anything to him but he grabbed my arm.

"Sky... I'm sorry and I don't want to leave for two weeks and you're mad at me. I will make it up once I come home. Plus I have to start getting ready for the tour its only two months away. The rest of the guys had enough time to prepare but I've been out of it for the last six weeks." He did have a point but I was just scared that he may not be here for Taeyang birth. My heart will be broken. I know he's already going to miss Taeyong birthday in February. He haven't been home for his first birthday either and its really eating me up inside but I don't to put more stress on him. I'm pretty sure he knows how I feel. Taeyong is starting to understand more and every time Tae leaves for tour he ask about his dad.

"Ok Tae. We will be fine. Don't worry I'm not mad." I said trying to hold my words and tears back. I kissed him on his lips softly and walked off as quickly as I can. I went to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I seen Tae go into the living room with Taeyong. I felt tears fall on my face and wiped them away quickly. I know what I was getting myself into when I married Tae but sometimes I wish the company will have more understanding towards the boys in their families. They haven't had a break in two years now and Tae was only out because he broke his ankle and anyone can tell how much Tae didn't want to be home. I'm afraid that I'm going to have Taeyang by myself without Tae. I'm worried about who's going to watch Taeyong if Tae and the boys isn't here. I have so many things on my mind and I have no one to talk to. I don't want to tell my mom and sister because they're so far away. The more I think about things my heart hurts. I felt tears on my face again and I tried to stop myself from crying but I couldn't this time. I leaned onto the sink trying to pull myself together before Tae or Taeyong walks in. I splashed some water onto my face and took a deep breath. Once I was finally calmed down I finished cooking breakfast.


"Tae the food is ready!! Bring Taeyong!" My wife yelled from the kitchen. I got up from the floor and picked up my son and we went to the kitchen. Sky was getting Taeyong high chair from the pantry and I noticed her red eyes. She tried to keep her head down so I wouldn't notice. I didn't say anything until I helped her put Taeyong in his high chair.

"Sky baby, what's wrong."

"Nothing, lets eat before the food gets cold." She put my plate in front of my chair and her plate in front of hers. Before she started eating her food she started cutting up Taeyong pancakes. I just stared at her. I didn't know what to say. I felt her pain and I just wanted to hold her, but I know it will just make her feel worse. Once she was finally settled in her seat I grabbed her hand.

"Sky tell me what's wrong?" I really want to work it out before I leave but I also know that I've been a dick for the last six weeks so it's going to take some time.

"Tae please just eat your food."

"Sky I just wan-" she cut me off.

"Tae please just stop! I'm trying to hold it together but you not making it any better. I don't want to stress you out more than you already are. I will worry about me and Taeyong just forget about us like you always do!" She got up from her chair threw her plate in the sink and grabbed Taeyong and his food and left out of the kitchen. My heart was pounding and I didn't know what to do or what to say. I poked my food a bit and than threw my fork down. I got an text from Hobi saying he will be stopping by a little earlier so I figured I will clean up the kitchen for my wife and head to the shower.

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