Deleted Scene: We Are In Love

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Daffy: you mean to tell us you LIKE her?

Marvin: precisely!

Daffy: forget it, bub. You're better off dating a lamp.

Bugs: Daffy! *he turns to Marvin* hey, if you like her, then tell her. She's an amazing woman from what Lola has told me, but between her and Lola... i think she's an amazing woman too... *he sees Lola smirking at her, he blushes, looking away*

Marvin: if you say so, rabbit. *he walks up to Cynth, and inhales* Been thinkin' for a while and there's something i gotta tell you! (Daffy: PFTHAHAHAHA!

Cynth: *dribbling basketball* uh, i'm kinda busy.

Marvin: been thinking that our love for each other has grown so very strong!

Cynth: l-love?! *blush* woah-

Marvin: its plain to see we're building our worlds together! *he rubs the back of his neck, bashfully, but still confident*

Cynth: dude, back up for a minute-

Marvin: i'm looking in your eyes right now and i can tell you feel the same! *he gazes at her, as he grabs her hands and twirls her around*

Cynth: (oh god... dont say it, you martian!)

(we are in looove!)

Marvin: i am so in love today~

(We are in looove)

Cynth: *gets free, runs away* i think i'm gonna run away!

(We are in looove!)

Cynth: *tries to call NINE ONE FUCKING ONE* Did you tap my phone lines?!

(We are in looove!)

Marvin: Yes, i tapped your phone lines~

Cynth: i won't lie, you're a very handsome Martian...

Marvin: *blush* thank you ^^

Cynth: but your crazy, crazy, crazy, you make me want to move to Bolivia!

Marvin: oh, i'll go with you!

Cynth: you know, i'm thinkin' i should get a restraining order...

Marvin: those are so hard to enforce!

Cynth: cause your car was parked outside my house, every night this week!

Marvin: your neighbour's are sweet!

Cynth: you're the reason that i have to keep my shades drawn!

Marvin: i'll watch you through the chimney!

Cynth: i've installed an alarm system with motion beam detectors!

Marvin: i have the code!

(We are in looove!)

Cynth: give me just five minutes!

(We are in looove!)

Marvin: i think that was five minutes.

(We are in looove!)

Cynth: did you just move in with me?!

(We are in looove!)

Marvin: yes, i just moved in with you~ *cupcake boop*

We are in looooooooooooooooooooooove!


Marvin: wouldn't you beleive it? That was our first love song! Isnt that lovely, hmm?

Cynth: *groans* whatever...

Alternate ver:
Marvin is seen fixing his laser beam (get it? Eh? Eh? LAAAAAZER BEAM, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN MEEE- anyways, Cynthia gets confident, and walks up to him.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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