FIve Times Harry and Draco did Birthday Things

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"I'll be right back, I'm going to the loo," Harry mumbles to Ron, sliding across the black leather seats and making his way across the main dance floor.

Harrow Heights is one of the- scratch that, the most popular club in Wizarding London. It's also the most unique, with an inner layout similar to that of The Burrow, only about ten times bigger. With party rooms, private rooms, gambling tables, the main dance area, a restaurant, a stage for live bands and karaoke, and way more alcohol than is probably legal, Harrow Heights has made a name for itself. What happens in Harrow stays in Harrow.

So it shouldn't be surprising to Harry that he bumps into someone he knows almost every time he comes here, which isn't very often, but still. Only, he didn't ever expect to run into Draco Malfoy.


Drunk Harry is heading down a dimly lit hallway which (hopefully) leads to the bathrooms when he collides with a boney being, bouncing off of them and into the color-changing walls. Who decided that it would be a good idea to put color-changing wallpaper in a place where ninety-nine percent of the people are plastered?

"Sorry, my bad!" Harry exclaims, looking up to see who he accosted and locking eyes with none other than Draco Malfoy.


"Malfoy? What are you doing here?"

Draco rolls his eyes and relaxes quite a bit. "I'm having a party, obviously. We are in the hallway for the party rooms."

Harry looks around and discovers that they are indeed in that party hallway. Not going to find the toilets down here, he supposes.


They stand in the hallway, staring awkwardly at each other for a moment before Draco speaks. "Well, I'll see you around, Potter."

He's gone about ten feet before Harry calls out again. "Wait! Malfoy! Er- happy birthday."

He watches Draco's expression fly from confused to suspicious to wary and back to confused again, ending with slightly pink cheeks as he thanks Harry and hurries down the hall.

As Harry tries to find the bathrooms again, he only has one thought on his mind: how does he know when Draco Malfoy's birthday is?


The next time Harry and Draco meet is at the same club roughly two months later, but this time on the main dance floor. Harry didn't want anything special for his 23rd birthday, only to be with his two best mates in the whole world. So Ron and Hermione took him out.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione are standing on the dance floor, bopping in time to the music, when Ron suggests that Harry go dance with someone. Harry shakes his head, but Ron and Hermione share a glance that tells him this won't be the end of it for them. An hour later, he's danced with two boys and a very tall woman that could probably crush his skull between her thighs, and he's having a blast.

When Harry turns around into the arms of a man slightly shorter than him with striking blonde hair and starts to grind against him, he thinks nothing of it. But the man looks up at him and Harry realizes he has his crotch pressed against Draco Malfoy's. He tries to stumble back but Draco catches his arms.

"Are you going to keep following me to this club, Potter, or will you finally grow out of your obsession with me?" Draco says into Harry's ear, continuing to dance with him.

The mixture of alcohol, hormones, and confusion does wonders to Harry's brain, and all of a sudden he's a stuttering, incompetent fool. More than usual, of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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