
507 8 42

Hello everyone, so this is my first Yaoi book and of course there are going to be some rules that are absolutely needed but specifically to make them needed to make the Rp as enjoyable as possible for both sides!

Now, onto our rules!

Rule 1 -

This is a Yaoi Rp so no Female or Straight characters, unless they are a side character in which case, that is a different story

Rule 2 -

Smut is absolutely allowed but it must be taken to PM so this book isnt taken down (NOTE: I will NOT Accept your OC if you dont do Smut, Smut is a necessity to Rp with me specifically)

Rule 3 -

Please be Descriptive 3 lines at minimum, there will be a strike for everytime you dont do at least 3 lines

Rule 4 -

Please be active as well, i check in every 3 days up to a maximum of 12 days. If you dont respond within 12 days then the rp is cut off, unless you have an emergency which is a different ball game

Rule 5 -

Fill out the form in 1 sentence completely please
You may also Tag of course but please do inform me beforehand

Rule 5 -

Cursing us alright i dont mind it at all

Rule 6 -

No Mary or Gary Sues! They make things boring

Rule 7 -

All species are absolutely welcomed! Be whoever you want ^^

Rule 8 -

Hate the OC, not the Roleplayer

Rule 9 -

When you find someome you like to Rp with please ask "May I' and the scenario provided

Rule 10 -

Have a fun and enjoy the Rp everyone!

Rule 11.

Please make a Form before you ask to Rp! It is quite annoying when that happens

Please! Relax on picking The Punk and the Mafia Boss Character! So many of you have picked them while others havent been touched, dont get me wrong I appreciate that but i like an expanded horizon, please relax on the punk and mafia boss characters a bit

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