Godly Adventures chapter 7: The Kiln of The First Flame

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Asura: *sitting in the Yhorm's throne slouched on the left arm* this is so boring being stuck here

Zeus: *sitting in Lothric’s throne sitting up right* yes well at least we have the robots to keep tidy around the place so all we can do it sit here and wait

Ares: *busts through the doors* where’s my throne

Zeus: you have a lot of nerve coming here

Asura: *jumps out his throne and lands on the ground right in front of Asura then gives him a hug* welcome back

Ares: get off of me *tries to squirm*

Asura: *lets go*

Ares: so where my throne

Zeus: well since i’m Zeus king of the gods I took Lothrics throne and since Asura is aggressive like Yhorm he took his  throne so take a throne of which lord of cinder you think best suits you

Ares: maybe the Abyss Watchers after all I do like swords and what not like them

Asura: yeah but there’s not thirteen of you *laughs*

Ares: well at leasr mine is closer to Lothric’s throne which means my lords of cinder were stronger

Asura: yeah right

Ares: please there’s no way you would have killed one of them
Asura: wanna find out *jumps out of his throne*

Ares: *pulls his sword out and swings at Asura*

Asura: *dodges it and grabs Ares neck*

Ares: *swings his other arm around and grabs Asura’s neck*

Zeus: enough *grabs both of their arms that are holding ther other's neck and flips them both over his head*

Asura: *hits the ground hard* ow

Ares: *regains his balance mid-air and land son his feet*

Zeus: *gets back in his throne*

Asura: *hops back in his thorne*

Ares: hey I’m gonna go to the blacksmith real quick

Zeus: don’t be long

Asura: hey Zeus do you still trust him yet

Zeus: with my life

Asura: good but there’s still Aldrich’s and the Nameless King’s throne to be filled

Zeus: well do you see anyone else that is strong enough to fill them

Asura: I think I have someone

Ares: hey Andre

Andre: hello Ares what can I do for you today

Ares: so you know how my Caliburn is the sword of the abyss and Dimaria’s is Axel the sword of hell

Andre: what about it

Ares: can you combine the two swords to make one

Andre: well sure hand the swords over to me

Ares: *hands Andre the swords*

Andre: give me two days and I can have it fixed

Ares: ok can you tell me when

Andre: well sure

Asura: hey Zeus who are those two *points to an old lady sitting in a chair and another young woman in black robes with a blind fold over her eyes*

Zeus: well if you would ever get out your throne you would know

Asura: hey I get out my throne

Zeus: only to go eat with yo fat assssss

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