The letters from no one

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Dear Mar,

        Bitch, I'm back! I will see you at Hogwarts! And I will get you a girlfriend by the end of the year. We will not be single.

Love you, miss you, a reminder that I exist and there's nothing you can do about it.

                                 Hi, it's me,

Dear y/n,

           It's about time, bitch! You said you'd be back . . . second year? Remind me what year we're going into? Yeah. Seriously, I was starting to think you were lying about convincing your parents.

Anyways, I will find you someone to have some sexy smexy time with. Yes, we won't be single this year. Hopefully.

ily too, I guess, and I miss you. Reminder that I exist and there's nothing you can do about it.

                  Your favorite gay bitch,

Dear Marly,

         I'm coming back to Hogwarts!!! I can't wait to see all of you! Don't show the others, I'm telling them separately. We have so much to catch up on. I get to stay in Gryffindor, and I basically continue at Hogwarts like nothing happened.

I'll also get to see your nose piercing and your boyfriend ;) (can't wait to meet this mystery guy that you WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT)

Alright, love ya whore <3

                             Ya'll know who it is,

Dear y/n,
           Yesssss! Finally! I was starting to think you weren't ever coming back. You said you'd be back second year, if I may remind you, and just now you're coming back for 6th?!? Liar. *insert eye roll*

Yeah, turns out my family was cool with the piercing. I mean, my dad wasn't too happy about it at first but now he likes it. Says it looks "hip". They don't know about my boyfriend though.

I'm still surprised. I mean, me? A stable relationship? Who would have thought? That's Alice's thing. Speaking of which, she has some pretty big news (unless she already told you).

Alright, see you soon. Love you!

                                   - Marlene

Dear Lils,

         This is the year! I'm coming back to Hogwarts!!! AHHHHH!!! I'm ecstatic! Can't wait to see you and everyone else, and meet Marlene's mystery boyfriend she WON'T STOP TALKING ABOUT!

Do you know who it is? Actually you probably all do, but I'm asking anyways. I mean, you probably knew first because you're her best friend but...

Anyways, love you, see you soon!

                                       It's me,

Dear y/n,
            This is awesome! I mean, you said you "thought this was the year" last year, so I'm not sure whether to believe you *insert eye roll* but I love you, so I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt.

And yeah, I know who it is, but so does everyone else. They kind of had their first kiss snog really on the Quidditch field after a game so we all found out with the rest of the school.

Alright, bye, love you, miss you!

               - Lily, your favorite redhead

Hi Ali!
          I got your letter about Frank! I'm so happy for you!!! We all knew it was going to happen eventually. How did you guys get together? Did you guys kiss yet? Who confessed first? I have like a million questions, but I'll save the rest for the train because I am coming back to Hogwarts! For sure this time! I'm literally so happy! I can't wait to see you and the girls, and do you guys still do girls nights? Because I really need one.

Alright, love you, miss you, bye!
                              Y'all know who it is,

Hi y/n,

           What?!? This is so exciting! We have so much to catch up on!!! I can't wait to see you again! I'm literally so psyched, I'm gonna cry. That doesn't mean much though, I cry a lot. You already know that though.

Thanks for the stuff about Frank. He really is the sweetest guy ever. I'm so lucky to have him. I know this might seem a little soon, but I honestly love him. Like I would do anything for him. I love him so much it hurts and I want to die sometimes, but not in like, a toxic way.

And it was the funniest story. You know that muggle device Lily showed us? The telephone? Frank calls it a "fellytone". He's so adorable. Anyways, he tried using one like I showed him, and we were on a call and he didn't know how to hang up and he started talking to his dad and he said, "Yeah, just talking to the girl I love." That's me! The girl he loves is me! And then his dad said, "You get her son! I assume you're treating her nice though." And he was like, "Yeah, don't worry dad, I would never hurt her." And I was in shock on the other side and then I got really, REALLY bold and I just said, "I love you too." And then he was like, "Oh gosh, I forgot to end the thing. But wait, so . . . you love me?" Or something like that, and he started panicking, but then I said yes, and he calmed down and said he would like to take me out on a date once we get back to Hogwarts! Isn't that exciting! I'm literally squealing!

Anyways, I love you so much, miss you too, see you soon!

                        - Alice

P.S. Yes, we do girls nights, they're so much fun, just wait till you get here!

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