5. Hug

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They had arrived at Mew's house and since his mother was traveling, she had left her room locked and the guest room as well, Mew did not understand why she was doing it but she did not give it too much importance, she could not let Gulf sleep there, either he could tell her to sleep with him and he wouldn't give him the couch to make him sleep uncomfortably either.
Mew reluctantly decided that he could have his room and he would sleep on the couch, he had bought enough food to make dinner but he was very sleepy and apparently Gulf didn't feel like eating much either.

-You can sleep in my room- he said pointing to where his room was -I will sleep on the sofa-

-Okay, don't spy on me while I sleep, I'll leave in the morning okay?- he didn't wait for an answer from the brunette so he kept talking -I'm not hungry so I won't accept anything from you-

Gulf turned around and walked to the room without looking at Mew, when he reached the room he stopped to turn on the light, Mew could hear how he sighed heavily.

-Thank you very much-

-It does not matter...-

-I will trust you from now on- he interrupted -Good night-

-Good ni...- Gulf slammed the door in her face

He didn't realize that Mew smiled like an idiot, he did not know if that had amused him or just felt good for having helped him, the brunette felt too tired so he threw himself on the sofa without covering himself and without adjusting the pillow, his Her body instantly relaxed, except for her smile, it was still there.

-Mew...- someone whispered in his ear -Mew...- that voice was known...

In his dreams, Mew thought of Cassandra, her green eyes, her way of saying things, suddenly he felt someone move him, the brunette acted on instinct and pulled her by the arm and made Cassandra lie down next to him, He brought her closer to the waist and the girl responded to his hug by relaxing her body.

-Warm...- she whispered

His smell invaded his nostrils, the boy wanted to see how Cassandra breathed, he opened his eyes and when he saw Gulf in his arms, he was scared and fell to the ground, at first he frowned but then remembered that he himself had told him to sleep in his house.

-What...- the question remained in the air, as if it were custom, the black-haired man turned completely red until he looked like a tomato

-I must go- he said quickly as he picked up his things and ran out of the house

Mew was still on the ground, she didn't even wonder why she had mistaken the black-haired man for Cassandra, she wondered why she hadn't felt nauseous, after all she had hugged the gay boy.
Ten days passed after what happened to the black-haired man, days in which the chestnut's doubts spread, he had not seen Gulf in those days but his mind insisted on remembering him with simple details, if they were not the red capes of the superheroes of Carla's comics, it was the history teacher's green shirt.

Carla had been absent that day and did not know what her teacher was saying until he introduced a new girl, Mew looked up, the new girl had blonde hair, green eyes, large and round breasts, her butt was perfect, brown He found her more beautiful than Cassandra for an instant, until he remembered when she puffed up her cheeks in anger; Mew didn't pay much attention to her presentation, she did not even hear her name, after she finished speaking she went to the empty folder next to him, she was watching her curiously.

-Hi, nice to meet you- she smiled -I'm Viviana-

Mew was grateful that the girl was more sociable than him, he made an effort to focus all his attention on the girl instead of her breasts, or at least tried to hide it.

No soy gay. Mi novio sí - MewGulfWhere stories live. Discover now