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"You're lying!" The voice of her enemy echoed through the halls. His voice filled with rage as he held up a knife against her throat.

His heart surprising aching and his breathing stocking as he didn't want to admit she could
be saying the truth.

"You know it's the truth." She shuttered again as she felt the sharp knife being tucked into her skin. His grip still tight around this knife as his body seemed to be frozen.
The knife maybe was painful for her...but it was even more painful to see her enemy like that. 
To seem hin this broken.

She had never seen him like that before. He was always that kind of Men to be three steps ahead from anybody else, he always knew everything and always had an clever answer to every question.

But right now in this specific moment his beautiful blue eyes were filled with fear as he listened her crushing words.

Almost like his heart stopped beating.

In fact nothing seemed to make sense to him anymore.

"It can't be the truth." His voice finally broke as tears were forming his eyes.

"It is." Her voice sobbed as the first drops of her blood were trailing down his knife.

His eyes wandered down in shook to see her blood and widened.

It was to late.

He stepped away from her, not letting go of that stupid knife. His heart was pounding from the thoughts that were running through his mind.
Thoughts about what he had just done.

"You can't love me-" he whispered, his voice filled with much fear as he didn't seem to know what to do.
It was the end and he knew.
It was her end.

He stood there and seemed so clueless, like a child.
The person to always know everything better than her.
The person that was send to finally kill her.

It was always one of his greatest desires to be the one to end her life for all of it.
But just as she said those three magical words his life collided.
She loved him the same amount he loved her.
With 101% of his beating heart.

Her breathing suddenly got faster as everything turned out to become more and more blurry with every second that passed.
Her legs lost all the strength and soon she collided down to the cold ground.

Furiously he threw away the knife and rushed over to her, so she collapsed into his strong arms just in time.

Hot tears were rolling down his cheeks as he looked down at her. She was barely holding on and the sweet color of her skin was slowly fading away and Turing pale.
His breathing was impossible fast as he couldn't stop her from dying.

He killed her, his knight and shinning amor.

"What is happening?" She questioned with a silent whisper and tears in her eyes.

"I've poisoned you." His voice broke out into a soft sob. More and more tears rolling down his cheeks.

A soft smile was forming itself on her lips as she looked up into those eyes of what she desired the most in this world.
That specific pair of eyes she'd see when she'd leave this cold and broken world.

"Of course you did." She now chuckled once more. The last strength of her body used with that specific chuckle.
Her eyes softened as she was breathing
one of her last breaths.

"I never even got to tell you." His voice shuttered painfully.
Pain was overflowing his body.

"Tell me what?" She questioned in fear as the coldness was slowly overcoming her body.

"That I love you." He answered in pain.

But she didn't answer, his eyes staring into hers and noticing that the sparkle had left
Life wasn't fair.
He wasn't fast enough.
She was gone.
Her beautiful and warm smile was gone.
Her soul had left this world.
She was gone.
She never got to know he loved her back all those years.

A painful scream echoed through those now lonely halls as he sat there on the ground, holding her numb and lifeless body.

That was the day he completely lost himself.
The day darkness had overcome his soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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