The Wretched Night

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It was in November the night of my ruin. Twas a stormy dark night around one in the morning when I set upon my task, I gathered instruments all round me as I set about trying to infuse a spark of life into the lifeless form that lay at my feet, And all at once it happened, by the dim light of my candle I saw something I wish to never see again, the yellow eyes of the creature I had created opened. Lightning flashed as the body uncontrollably convulsed as the electricity made a once lifeless body Alive.

Words can not express the horrible emotions I felt in those moments! How could I anticipate the monster I had created with such pains and care?                                                                                              

His body was all in proportion and I had intended him to be beautiful, but to my great horror now looking at him alive I now see, his yellow skin was stretched too thin over the muscles and tendons, and with his luscious black hair and his pearly white teeth all cuming together with his watery eyes and his straight black lips creating a picture to horrible to look at.

For nearly two years I worked hard for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body. For This, I had deprived myself rest and heath. I had pursued it with a passion that overshot wisdom in every way, but now my task is complete and the beauty was indeed in the eye of the beholder and my heart began to fill with disgust. I could not endure it anymore and I rushed from the room and into my bed-chamber where I passed the chamber unable to sleep and escape from the tumult in my head, at length I though my self on my bed and fell into a disturbed and restless sleep, and in my dreams, I saw Elisabeth in the bloom of health walking the streets of Ingolstadt, I ran to her and embraced her, I pressed my lips to hers when her lips changed to the livid hue of death and all at once, I beheld my dead mother in my arms with the worms of death crawling in the flannel.                                                                                                                         

Suddenly I awoke covered in a cold sweat when by the dim light of the moon breaking through the window I beheld the shape of the monster leaning over my bed. I jumped and tried to flee but the monster detained me, I beat him with my fists until shocked he let me go, I ran out of the room and shut and locked the door behind me, the monster yelled incoherently as I ran out of the house hoping that when I returned it would be gone.

Hope you enjoy it!!!

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