Lost Bracelet

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Talia walked along the chrysanthemum meadow, the wind picking up, bit by bit. She wrapped her hands around her bosom feeling cold. She was deep in her thoughts, a sad smile on her face as she remembered all that had happened here.... all the good times that been. Her husband and her used to come look for a bracelet they had lost twelve years ago during their play fight. They didn't ever find it because every time they tried searching, her husband always pulled off some sort of prank that would lead to them both running around the field.

Talia felt her sadness resurfacing from two years ago. Her chest began to feel heavy and her heart was like someone eating pebble ice on a hot day. She felt herself melting, yet she started to run across the opposite side of the meadow that her and her love used to run to. As she ran, goosebumps filled her body. She accidentally let out a sob and ran faster, coming to a fall, hitting her a bit and knocked out. The last thing she heard, was a distant cry.

She woke up, her hair messed up, in a totally different field filled with azaleas. She was confused, and got up realizing that the temperature was no longer bitterly cold.

“You do know it's not your time yet, right?’’

She looked behind her to see a man in his fifty's sipping on...lemon grass tea?

“Excuse me, what are you talking about?”

The man chuckled, making her ears tingle.

‘‘Take a look around you, Miss Aster. When since have ever seen earth look this elegant and exquisite?’’

She raised an eyebrow, at him.

“How do you know my name?”

The middle aged man flipped his glossy dirty blonde hair out of his face, showing pretty dark brown eyes.

“Oh come on Talia, it's only been two years. Don't tell me you've forgotten how your childhood friend sounded.” He said giggling.

Talia stood still and didn't move.
How could she believe what her eyes were seeing? They were making a circus out of her cause there was no way her only love and life was sitting infront of her cracking jokes.

He smiled at his gorgeous wife.

“You're still so beautiful....and so damn clumsy. How many times have I told you not to run on those two left feet? You could've died! And it's not even your time.” An adorable Asher said, a hand on his forehead.

Tears slipped down the woman's face.

He looked up at her and beckoned her with open arms.

She slowly walked to him, as if he'd disappear any minute now. The husband took notice, and as soon as she was closed enough, he grabbed her pulled her into his embrace, not bothering to wait on her slow poke self.

She hurriedly wrapped her arms around him and held tight, crying into his shoulder fabric.

He kissed her on her head tightly hugged her.

They sat in silence, as Talia sobbed.

“It's not your time sweetie, go back.” he whispered in her ear with a smile, putting something on her right wrist.

She sat up in bed, as the family doctor and her two children and her three children looked at her teary eyes with worry and concern.

They all smiled at her after the sentence she uttered.

“He sent me back...my baby sent me back.”

Talia looked at her right wrist and continued to cry.

And the rose quartz bracelet was sitting on her hand, like twelve years ago.

“We will always be soulmates, forever. No matter whatever trick the universe decides to pull off.”

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