Ur mom 😨

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Wen demkuu realised ur mom wandtbur mom, he almost hd a heart wattack. "0mGG!!!!!😱😱😱 UR NIt ur momkmmn😨" said demku. Den ur mom turned into skrek. Le gasp 😦 "SHREK IT WOS IUUU" said demku. "Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhaa yes it wos me 🌚" sed shronkky shrekkk. Then deku used his quirk explosion and attackekekdkd shronk. Then shronk attacked demku wif quick attack. "Shroonk j choose uuu!!!" Sed ash kethcup. "Ashy burns what are you dojbg hereees??" Said demku. Da demku was too stunned to speak. Then demku was knocked out by quick attack, and ash kerchup ate a burger without ketchup 😱 this made maid baku anger and he died akmsh kemchip. "Diiiiii ashkenpuschh" he sed. "i cont breave I cONt BrEAve" sed ashmk kemchup. Ven he died. Cutely tho. Then demku coffed 😨 "I-I-I I c-c-cont b-b-breav-ve" seid demku. "NOOO DEMKUUUUUUUU DONT DIEE!!!!!!!!" Sed maid baku depresisngly and dranatically. "I-I-I.." 😦said demku depressingly, then died dramatically💀 and cutely. "nooOoOoOooO" sed maid baku. "i wANtEd MCDONAAaaLDss" 😭😭😭🍟🍟🍔

tBC 😭👀

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