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It wasn't often we were invited to parties outside of our business lives. But Hisoka insisted that we went, christmas parties would be fun and it would be a chance to relax. What's so fun about making awkward small talk with people you don't know? If hisoka considers this party fun I guess I couldn't doubt it. Hisoka is anything but boring.
I glanced at my boyfriend, "How many people do you think will be here..?"
"Not sure, Hisoka just told us it would be fun. And you're the one who wanted to go, not me." Right.. I kinda begged him, but now that we're almost there I feel myself getting nervous.
"We have arrived." Gotoh looked at us through the rearview mirror.
I grabbed illumi's hand, getting out of the car as we made our way to the front door.
The lights on the house were bright, I sure hope it's darker inside.
Before I even had a chance to ring the doorbell, the door opened, revealing an overdressed clown. Sorry, Hisoka.
"You're very overdressed.. it's too much." I walked in, hanging my coat on an open hook.
"My darling you're just underdressed~ It takes time to look this beautiful, you know~"
When we got inside the house was decently full, but not too full.
I turned to illumi to see him walking away with hisoka.
I turned away towards the kitchen. There were mostly sweets but this IS hisoka we're talking about.
I grabbed some eggnog, not my favourite but I haven't had it in a while.
"I wouldn't drink that, hisoka spiked it." I turned to see Chrollo.
"Mm.. It's expected." I took a sip and my eyes widened for a second.
Chrollo chuckled, "I thought it would be expected to be strong too."
"Shut up." I glared at him.
He laughed, "Anyways, how are you? Are you still with illumi?"
"That's a weird question to ask, what do you want?" I backed away slightly.
"I was just wondering where he was, besides, I'm seeing someone." He leaned against the wall.
"Mm, well the last time I saw him he went off with hisoka." I looked away, a tinge of jealousy poking at my heart.
"Hm.. You're jealous." He blinked.
"I... guess? I kinda wanted to spend time with him.. Since all we do is work." My eyes travel up to the mistletoe in the doorway.
Chrollo starts talking but I'm not paying attention.
Maybe I could kiss illumi under the mistletoe.. That would be cute, though he doesn't like PDA..
"Hm?" I turn to chrollo.
"I have to go," He starts walking away, "I'll see you."
I didn't bother responding, I want to find illumi.
I made my way out of the kitchen, looking around for illumi.
Once I found him, he was being dragged away again. This time by someone I didnt know. Probably for business.. But we came here to relax.
I sighed. Is he avoiding me on purpose? He didn't even tell me he was leaving the first time.
Someone bumps into me. I turned to them.
"Sorry-" We say in unison.
I moved away.
"Hey! Who do you think you are talking to my man!!" Some random ass girl stood in front of me.
"M'Sorry. I wasn't trying to cause any trouble. Just apologizing."
Please get out of my face.
"You need to find your own man, he's all mine!" Why did hisoka invite this whore?
"I have a husband." It felt kind of nice calling him that, although he wasn't, "Now quit wasting my time and-"
"Prove it!" This bitcchhh.. just drop it. "What's his name?"
"Illumi Zoldyck." She went pale.
"Z...old.....yck.?!" Why is she shocked? If she knows hisoka then I'm sure she's used to this kind of stuff.
I walked away. I hate everyone. Why did i even agree to come here?
I need fresh air.
I stepped outside, sitting on the side of the porch.
This is all stupid, This party, everyone in it, even hisoka. I just want to spend time with Illumi.
"What's this?~"
"Fuck off. Seriously."
He sat down next to me.
"What's the matter?~" He turned to me.
"Like you care," I huffed, "Just go enjoy your party."
"My my..~ So harsh, I'll leave then."
He got up.
"Wait," I looked up at him, "Where's illumi?"
"Inside, I'm not sure he's enjoying the party~ You might want to go see him~" He shuffled his cards.
"I've been trying! He seems to be ignoring me. Every time I tried to talk to him he goes off with someone else and it's honestly pissing me off. I came here to relax with my husband- ..boyfriend." I sighed.
"Husband?~" Hisoka leaned down.
"I got into a ..fight? With this girl who thought I was trying to 'take her man' I said Illumi was my husband, she looked pretty freaked out."
He sat down again, "Vanessa?~"
I scoffed, "Vanessa?"
"I watched it, although it wasn't very entertaining since it didn't get physical..~" I looked away.
"She cheated on her boyfriend over 7 times i've heard~" He chuckles.
"I was right about the whore part then." I shook my head, "Anyways, I was trying to get illumi under the mistletoe but he kept going off with other people, i'm jealous." My face flushed, admitting it wasn't hard, but embarrassing.
"I can tell him~" He smiles.
"No, I don't mind, he doesn't like PDA anyways." I leaned against the railing, "You can go now, I want to be alone."
Hisoka stood, his heels clacking with each step, getting further and further away.
After a few minutes had passed, I felt calm enough to go back in.
Standing up, I felt and heard the satisfying pop of my legs. Turning and walking back inside.
"______." I looked up to see illumi.
"Lu- Illumi. Hi." I rubbed my arm.
He leaned close to me, lifting my chin up.
"Hisoka told me you were upset." His cold void-like eyes stared so intensely into mine.
"I.. um.." I paused, hearing leaves rustling above me. I knew it was hisoka before I even looked up. The mistletoe.
I took his hands, "Lumi, I really wanted us to just relax and have fun at this party and I barely could even talk to you here. I..... Wanted to.. have a chance to kiss you under the mistletoe but now it sounds really stupid that i'm actually saying it to you." I laughed quietly. "I was just j-"
Illumi brought his face closer to mine brushing his soft lips against mine before connecting them.
I sighed into the kiss, running my hands through his hair and tugging slightly.
When we parted, Illumi rubbed my cheek.
"We don't need a mistletoe to kiss, I'm sorry for ignoring you ______."
There were some awes from the crowd.
Illumis cheeks were dusted with a light shade of pink.
"Let's go," He leaned closer, whispering into my ear, "You deserve a better apology at home, darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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