Chapter 6: Some Minor Adjustments

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They spent fifteen minutes or so standing on the corner, waiting for their ride, while Angel showed Alastor some of his options online. Although the tom was clearly trying to concentrate, he kept getting distracted any time someone passed by too close or a car rushed past or there was a shout from down the street.

"You okay?" Angel asked as his attention wandered away again, apparently startling him.

"What? Yes, I just... Yes. I'm fine." His faint smile wasn't super convincing, but before Angel could argue, his phone pinged to let him know their cab was arriving. The driver kind of gave them a look when they got in, but if he had a problem with Angel's glitter-dusted eyes or Al's bright hair, he didn't say anything about it. A few minutes into the ride, as Angel was answering a couple of texts from Molly, Alastor piped up again. "Are you upset with me?"

Angel blinked and looked up at him in confusion. "'Course I'm not, Al. Why wouldja think that?"

Gesturing to the space between them, Alastor ventured hesitantly, "Last sat much closer to me, and..." He reached for the blond's hand and led it over to rest on his knee, but Angel quickly pulled back, trying to pretend he didn't notice their driver sneaking looks back at them. Obviously discouraged by the rejection, Alastor cleared his throat and folded his hands in his lap. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. It's just, last night was kind of a different thing, ya know?" The full explanation sounded more like, last night, I was flirting like my life depended on it so I could get you in bed as soon as we got home, but he was really hoping Alastor wouldn't make him say that outright.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem like he could read all that subtext between the lines. "I don't think I do. We spent some time out together, and then we took a cab like this. Is it different because we aren't headed back to your place yet?"

"Uh, look, we can talk about this later, okay?" In spite of himself, Angel was starting to get a little self-conscious about what their driver might be thinking or their relationship. He usually didn't give two shits if anyone around was judging him, but he was actually getting a little embarrassed on Alastor's behalf; he was the one who didn't seem to realize why this wasn't the time or place for that conversation.

"Of course," he said sort of mechanically, though it was clear he wasn't satisfied. Turning to gaze out the window, he added quietly, "I preferred it that way, for what it's worth."

Well, shit. It was up to Angel to show how much it was worth to him, wasn't it? Was this whole move to allow Alastor to have preferences not proof enough? No, that was a stupid thought, like he could just make that one gesture and expect Al to be satisfied from then on. Besides, what the fuck did he care if some cabby side-eyed him a little? Making sure he started off this new part of their relationship with Alastor knowing for sure his feelings mattered was way more important.

Scooting across the seat to lean against his side, Angel took his hand to lace their fingers together too. His tom tensed up a little at the sudden contact but quickly relaxed, his smile coming right back. And maybe Angel got some 'positive feedback' himself from seeing it.

"Make sure ya tell me whenever ya decide stuff like that, when ya like somethin' or ya don't or whatever. That way we can figure out somethin' that works for both of us."

"I'll keep that in mind, chéri." Alastor leaned down for a kiss, and Angel gave it (briefly). For the rest of the ride, Angel pointed out any important spots or landmarks they came across—the Harlem River, Randall's Island Park, obviously the Chrysler Building and Empire State—but mostly it was just an excuse to stay close to Alastor's side and keep contact between them. The drive took nearly an hour, in which Angel realized too late that the subway probably would've been faster. Wouldn't that be a fun new experience for Alastor?

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