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i went out to prune the trees today, and to see if any had fruit. i saw there were many green leaves, some so boisterous and boastful of life, being encrusted with golden jewels and ornaments, emitting much fragrance of smoke and pleasant incense, having strong roots and branches to support them; but there was no living fruit produced by them.

much time has been given, much dunging of the soil and attempted trimming of excess. with no progress in sight, i flayed the bark from the stumps after slicing down their pompous arrogancy, and i saw that i was a hypocrite.

i being a tree have no living fruit either, becoming so engulfed in the pleasures and joys of this passing world, and have likewise assumed a form that is unnatural and disturbed, alienated from the beauty of God's Life to become a wretched and terrible thing.

spare me, o God! who have often times gone as though i were the Pruner of the trees that we men are, to afford to this man mercy and another condemnation by my own limited judgement and seemingless endless pridefulness! make me to not judge another in this way or that, but to see my own faults only, and to trust in Thee only, to Whom be all good things, and from Whom all good comes down, for all of the endless ages of eternity, Amen

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