Chapter 10: Armin chose Eren

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The following hours felt blurry for Elysian. Erwin arrived and they all set off after Reiner and Bertholdt, retrieved Eren from them and set back off to Wall Rose, but she couldn't feel relieved at his return because she knew of the crushing news that would be revealed to him when they arrived back. Battles against titans, Eren revealing his founding titan powers and their eventual return all passed for her with no emotion, and it wasn't until they were all safely back in the barracks that everything came to face.

"Elysian, are you okay?" Armin asked. He had noticed that she hadn't looked up from her horse the whole ride home and hadn't spoken either. She nodded, and went to walk away when Eren's voice called out for her.

"Hey, Elysian, have you seen Mikasa? She was at the castle with you, wasn't she?" everyone froze, an uncomfortable silence falling over everyone. All eyes turned to her as she turned back to Eren.

"Eren, Mikasa didn't make it." his face froze before laughing.

"What, she fell a little behind? I'll go wait for her at the-"

"No, Eren. She didn't make it."

"What do you mean?"

"You know damn well what I mean."

"No, I don't. Tell me." He took a few steps towards her, standing almost eye to eye, fierce gazes locked.

"She died, okay? There."

"You're a liar. Tell me where she is, goddamnit!"

"Eren," Hanji said, taking a few steps forward. Their voice was wary but soft. "She isn't lying, Mikasa was crushed by debris and had her legs bitten off by a titan. She died from blood loss. Elysian tried to save her but she didn't make it."

"TRIED to save her? Aren't they both meant to be skilled soldiers?" Eren spat.

"Eren, I did what I could-" Elysian started, but a sharp shove from Eren sent her flying backwards and cutting her off. Several scouts ran forwards and held Eren back as he swung a kick towards Elysian.

"Did what you could? What you could wasn't good enough! You're not good enough, Elysian Yerin. If you were, my sister would still be alive."

"Eren, stop it!" Armin yelled. He turned round, anger brimming at his childhood friend.

"You, you're meant to be backing me up here. What, you're stupid little crush more important than me now?" Anger flared up in Elysian and she jumped up off the floor and lunged towards Eren, grabbing him by the collar and slammed him into the floor, reminiscent of the way Levi had slammed her into the wall previously.

"Don't you dare take this out on him. He can do what he wants. I did all I fucking could to save Mikasa, and I nearly died too. I was exhausted, out of gas and weak my damn self, and yeah I probably could've saved her if I pushed myself harder, but it would've killed me." Eren stared up at her, his hand around her wrist as it gripped his collar. "I damn tried, we all did, but she didn't make it."

"She should be here, not you. Nobody wants you here." the words elicited gasps from several members of the scouts. To Elysian, it felt like he had stabbed her. She didn't belong here, she didn't belong there. The world seemed to blur as she stared down at him with a steely grip still on his collar, his furious expression the only thing she could see. Without a word, she got up off of him and walked away, leaving behind a heavy and uncomfortable silence.

Armin watched as Elysian left. Eren slowly got up and wiped the blood from his mouth and dusted the grit from his uniform. Everyone was watching him in absolute shock, eyes wide and mouths open. Hanji signaled to Armin to leave Elysian alone; it was obvious he was about to go after her, but it wasn't the best idea. If he did, Eren would take it poorly and see it as Armin taking sides, and the last thing they needed was him out of control. Eren stormed off in the direction of the barracks and nobody tried to follow him. It was in all of their best interests to just let him go, and they did.

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