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Jack Snow POV

I'm sitting in my security room. Two girls are screaming and crying. One girl is digging through bodies for a key, and even more people are playing my game. But I have an interest in one girl among my new contestants. She is better than I thought she'd be. She's burlier and broader than everyone else I've given her challenge to. But she's the only one to make it this long.

She makes her way across the room, I laugh because little does she know there aren't any doors on the walls. She realises this and spends a good 30 minutes looking for a door. With 15 minutes left she finally notices the trap door on the floor.(lol it rhymes) She made it out with time to spare. I'm surprised, nobody has ever escaped that challenge.

"You picked a good group this time Luca." I say turning my chair to face my assistant Luca. He was staring at the ground with his brows furrowed. "Go take a break, I know you still need to get used to this part of the job." He leaves the room while I turn back to my computers. 

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