Chapter 7

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Im ill. Like really ill. I've been in bed for ages!
My head is pounding like hundreds of hammers have been dropped on it.

Maybe I'm dead?

No, I sit up which made everything even worse. I saw my purse on the side and loads of makeup wipes on my side table, I hadn't taken off my makeup. I looked over to the side of my bed ti see the Chelsea shirt.. with 'Miller' on it.

Jason Miller.

Honestly he's so no hot.
I grab my school clothes out my draw, once putting them on I realised how tacky and ugly they are.

I take off my blazer and pull off my shirt, "I need... my mums kit." I say as I ran into my mums room, "Hey mum, nice sleep?"

"Yeah I'm taking Henry so I'll be off in a couple minutes."
I nod giving her a kiss before leaving.

Once I made it back to my room I grabbed a pen from the box and put the skirt up to me in the mirror, "I want about that much off.." I muttered drawing a line.

After cutting it, I sowed the bottom and I even fixed the waist.
Now when I put it onto it was perfect!

"Abigail I'm leaving Bye!" I heard my mum shout.


I then remembered something.. I ran into my mums room, opening up her draws and pulling out a skin coloured bra. A push-up bra.


When I tell you I look fantastic! My bra fits and makes my boobs look amazing, the top of my shirt us too big to hide them. I feel amazing.

Once I walked through the gates, I feel like everyone looked at me. Shit I didn't think about this.. I smiled and walked up the walkway and into the school building.

"O M G." A heard a small voice beside me say, "Bae you looking amazing!"

"Thanks Cora, needed a change. And new start-"

Suddenly, I felt a cold hand grab me, "Are you going out with Jason Miller?" Bryce asked me.


"I saw you leave with him last night, I don't care. I don't want to date you I just want to know.."

"Bryce your hurting my arm." I say as he looks at it and lets go, "Thank you but No I'm not."
I say half heartedly as I walk past whim linking arms with Cora.

I can heard Cora saying something to me but all I can think about is last night.. where did Jason go? Did leave early? Did we do it?

"Whats the hell are you wearing?"

"Looking good Miss Mett." I heard Mikey say.

"Why thank you Mikey, and Jason its the uniform, my mum used to love making clothes so I would help and tada!"

"You look like a slut.."

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