Lily X Sora One Shot

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It's been over one month since Lily had first Isekaied into the world of Disboard, a magical fantasy world where everything is determined by games, a world Lily had become obsessed with back in her original world, earth.

In her world Disboard was the setting of her favorite show, an anime know as No Game No Life starring the protagonists Sora and Shirou. She had always had a crush on Sora, well 'crush' was an understatement. So when she somehow woke up in the world of Disboard one morning she was beyond ecstatic.

She immediately went searching for the two and found them with great success at the inn, just like in the show. Having watched the series countless times Lily could recount the events of the show with pin point accuracy and predict their movements so decided to interact with the siblings in hopes of getting closer to Sora.

Now she lives with [blank] at the Elkia Palace aiding them with their hefty workload. As they supposedly both came from the same world, the siblings took an immediate liking to Lily due to their common passion for anime and her ability to understand their obscure references. Furthermore, they have a relatively large respect for Lily as she is one of the only individuals there to match Sora's intellect, despite how much he makes fun of her for her supposed 'lack of brains'. Always remarking at how, when Lily first arrived in Disboard, Steph Dola had vanished as if there had been no trace of her in the first place and no memory of the late king ever having a granddaughter named Stephanie, instead it was Lily. 

Though initially confused by this phenomenon, Lily had begun to accept the fact that she and Steph were so alike that she could completely replace Steph and nobody would even notice.

Even Sora and Shirou didn't bat an eye and told her that she was probably tired after playing so matches (some of which she won). 

Unlike Steph, Lily was exceptionally good at gambling, with skills akin to that of Sora's though not as genius as Shirou's. And together they made a good team.

Today was a momentous occasion, Christmas was upon the land of Disboard and its citizens, snow had fallen the previous night and Elkia's streets erupted into cheer upon the arrival of the royal couple and Shirou, who stood together on the stadium preparing to give their Christmas speech which had been put together last minute by a fuming Kurami who proceeded to give all three a lecture on responsibility which almost made you late. 

[Lily's POV]

You breathed in a deep sigh of relief as you collapse, exhausted after the 1 hour speech, onto Sora's lap. I'm gonna have a word with that purple haired, flat chested asshole later for making me read that you say to yourself as he pats your head gently. 

"Yeah yeah I know what you're gonna say Lil" said Sora as he locked his eyes with yours. "We'll give Kurami and ear full later, godddd that speech was long!" He exclaimed, throwing his head back and flopping onto the bed with arms stretched out.

"But first- we nap" he groaned. 

After the nap~~~~

You feel the soft prod of a finger as you awake from your slumber. Opening your eyes slowly, you find the large, round retinas of Shirou returning your gaze.

"What time is it?" You ask sleepily as you rub your eyes and reach around for your glasses which Sora carefully places onto your head.

"Looking for these?" Sora teasingly asks. 

You give him a little playful glare and push yourself up onto your feet. 

"It's only 10, you two have only slept for about 2 hours or so" Shirou explained. 

"She says she want to go and build a snowman" Sora added, rolling his eyes in jest.

"Can we? Please?" Shirou pleaded, weaponising her irresistible puppy eyes.

"Sure! Let's go" You answered, relenting to Shirou's cuteness. 

"Well then, let's go" chuckled Sora, grabbing your right hand lovingly as Shirou reached for your left, both enthusiastically pulling you along like two overexcited little kids.

You beamed and laughed along, speedily pulling on some warm clothing and boots which the maids prepared to ready yourself for the winter weather. 

You gazed eyes-wide at the pulchritudinous landscape before you. Everything was buried in a 3ft thick layer of the most stunningly pale and colourless snow you've ever seen. For miles long the snow could be seen engulfing the greenery or plummeting from the thin branches of trees the moment it became too heavy for it to hold. 

Reaching down, the snow was velvety and fluffy to the touch, a blissful pile of silken blankets. You cupped a mound, compacted the once fuzzy cloud into a solid ball of frozen moisture which you launched towards a prepared Sora who ,despite predicting your icy assault, still didn't dodge in time resulting in him taking one straight to the chest but not before hurling one of his own right at you which you succeeded in dodging but was then hit by Shirou's projectile of smaller snow balls. 

You continued this for while, each getting gradually more drenched in melted snow as you went. Dodging some and colliding with others became almost muscle memory and as usual there was strategy involved.

Shirou's was to make smaller and more compact projectiles which could be shaped quicker and launched more efficiently.

Sora's however, relied on his victim's carelessness and vulnerability while gathering ammunition to hurl larger snowballs at his targets which would pack more of a punch than Shirou's miniatures. 

You however took advantage of your slightly better physical prowess and agility to duck behind trees and take cover under stone benches and bushes while propelling snowballs of your own which were composed of a combination of small and large sized spheres. 

As by some magic, at the end of your long and tiring battle was a perfectly formed snowman which was a result of a flawless tactic from Shirou where she stood at specific areas to prompt you and Sora to throw snow towards which gradually became a complete snowman.

This display was met with high praise from both you and Sora whom Shirou also demanded head pats from.

 "Praise me more!!" Shirou beamed, clearly adoring the attention from both you and her brother.

After more rounds of praise and applauding you all decided to go in for the day but not before planting yourselves in the snow and creating snow angels with the largest being Sora's and smallest being Shirou's with yours slotting perfectly in the middle.

Content with your handiwork, you decide to finally return to the warm confines of the palace walls where you were treated to a cozy cup of hot chocolate and heart shaped cookies which you and Sora each took a bite of before dunking into your mugs.

After this was time for bed which you looked forward to after such a long and jovial yet draining day. You and Sora shared a light kiss and you also gave Shirou a little hug before retiring to bed.

A/n: Hope u enjoyed that my friend,  I know how much you love Sora XD.  

Lily X Sora One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now