Chapter 01

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Ever since Lillian was little he has always been alone. He was basically raised by the house elves while his father raised his older brothers, don't get him wrong he is not being abused, he was just neglected by his family.

Lillian dosen't understand why his father dosen't like him. He always behaves well and tries to always be polite, but nothing that he ever does is good enough.

Little five year old lillian sat in the family library when the door burst open and loud laughter could be heard. Sighting lillian tried to ignore the seven years old twins as they came in chatting cheerfuly until they spotted him.

"Look caleb if it isn't the unwanted child" one said.
"I know securus I can't believe he is still here, I would have left a long time ago if I knew I was not wanted" caleb said while laughing.

Lillian tried to ignore them, it hurt to hear those words, specially when they came from his older brothers.

"Even his own godparents don't want him, onestly you should just disappear"securus sneered.

"Right" caleb laughed.

At that moment when lillian was about to say something back a small pop was heard and a small house elve appeared.

"Young másters twinsis máster is wanting yous in the family rooms sirs you is having gests" it said.

"Well our godfather is here, have fun reading your stupid books better learn something for when your kicked out of the house" caleb said while he and securus left the library.

This made lillian freze, surely his father will not kick him out, right. He wouldn't right? But what will happen when he grows up, he is not the hair of the family so he will not receive anything. He has a trusts vault at gringotts but his father can close it if he wishes to. Little lillian realized at such a jung age that if his father kicked him out of the house when he no longer needed to care for him he will be left with nothing.

'Maybe I can go to gringotts and secure the money from my trust vault' he thought while leaving the library and heading to his rooms in the other side of the mansión where he live by himself while the rest lives in the family wing.

Getting ready to leave lillian thought about what his brother said, maybe he can ask the goblins for help. Surely they will help him if he asked politely like the books said. Lillian likes to read and one of the books he read was a about goblin history and how if you are polite to them and respect them they will do the same for you.

On his way to the flu room lillian came across the room where his family and their gests where. The guess was no other than remus lupin and Ara gonster his girlfriend they both were the twins godparents. They looked so happy chatting and playing with each other. Lillian heart hurt at the sight knowing that he could only hope that one day he would be able to join them, and that maybe his godparents will also be there.

When lillian turn to leave he heard remus ask his father a question.

"James, where is lillian" he asked
"He was in the library las time we saw him" caleb said "is not like he matter anyway" securus said.

"Has sirius or alice come to visit him, his birthday is next week right?" ara asked. 'It was two weeks ago' lillian thought sadly.

"Why would uncle padfoot and aunty alice come to visit that loser" the twins said at the same time "they are his godparents" remus reminded them "it's their job to care for him"

"Nor alice or sirius have ever come to visit the boy remus why would they come now" James sneered at the thought of his youngest child. This made lillian's heart aque painfuly. That was true he has only seen his godparents twise and both time he was ignored by both.

Lillian liked to believe that the reason was because he looked way to much like his mother. Lillian was a beautiful child, long soft black curls, big doe green eyes, button nose, long eyelashes. He was beautiful. He recemble his mother and that always seems to upset his father. After all he was the reason that his mother had died.

Desiding not to keep listening lillian once again made his was to the flu room, reaching it he grabbed some green powder and through it at the fireplace, than Sterling in he loud and clear said "Diagon alley!", and he disappeared.

James loved his wife, he loved her with all his heart. He could still remember the day when his beloved wife told him she was pregnant with their first child, or children as they found out that they where expecting twins.

James was ecstatic with joy and happiness to finally have a child with the love of his life. He can still remember the birth of the twins, they were so small and perfect with black hair and hazel blue eyes they were perfect.

James was happy he had a beautiful wife, perfect kids, the job of his dreams as an auror, and friends that would always be there for him. Life was perfect and it became more when his beloved anounced a yeae later that she was expecting with their third child.

James was over the moon in happiness he would be receving another gift from his beloved wife.

He still dosen't know what went wrong lily has always been healthy but during the end of her pregnancy she started to become weak. And a couple of weeks after the birth of his youngest son one lily eleonor potter passed away. This broke James Heart the healers did not know how it could have happened.

James started drinking all the time neglecting himself and his children. His friends tried to support him but he would only push the away. James blamed lillian for his wife death, he knew deep his his heart that the little baby was not at fault but he needed someone or something to blame.

His little baby was beautiful with his beautiful big green eyes, but he recembled his dead wife to much and it was painful to look at him so James made the house elves take care of his little baby.

He knew what he was doing was bad and irresponsable that it was bad to push the baby away when it was not at fault but he could not bear to see him no jet atleast.

His friends disaproved of his actions, what a bunch of hypocrites the lot of them, they tell him that while they also ignore his son. He can't blame them they all loved lily too, but he hoped that atleast sirius as his godfather or Even alice as his godmother would stay with him while he tried to cope with his feelings, but no one did they all refused to even look at lillian.

Don't get him wrong he loves Lillian it's just hard to look at him when he looks so much like his dead wife. He resembles her in looks aswell as personality her love for books, potions, flowers, food. Everything so for him it's easier to ignore him and not get involve with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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