Blue Hair and Apologies

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The day started off fairly normal, Ron had gotten into a spat with the twins after they hid his wand, Hermione was sitting by the fireplace with Crookshanks watching with mild disappointment despite the twinkle in her eye.

Harry rolled his eyes at all of his friends and sat down beside Hermione.

"Happy Christmas Harry." Hermione said, looking over at him.

"Happy Christmas," he replied. "Ron just leave it, you won't need your wand today anyway."

Ron grumbled about it the entire way to the great hall, his spirit slightly boosted upon seeing the breakfast feast prepared for them.

The lack of students at Hogwarts for Christmas meant everyone could sit anywhere, most students were sitting at the Ravenclaw table, so that's where the three went, settling down at a spot a bit further away from the others.

"We should go over to Hogsmeade later," Ron mumbled, a mouthful of food.

Neither of them answered him, staring towards the entrance of the great hall.

Draco Malfoy had walked in, with a full head of cobalt blue hair. He strode forward just as he always had, and sat down near the trio. Crabbe and Goyle followed him, sitting across and looking warily at the boy.

Harry, Ron and Hermione, along with everyone else in the room were staring at him.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He muttered.


"He must be up to something! I mean why would he do that? He must know his father would hate it!" Harry was still rambling.

"Harry stop!" Hermione scolded. "Maybe he just wanted to dye his hair."

"You're not seriously defending him." Ron stated indignantly.

"No, I'm not defending him, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt." She snapped.



Hermione walked through Hogsmeade, pulling her coat tighter around herself.

As she walked she got the sense she was being watched, when suddenly Crabbe walked out and shoved her into the snow.

"What do you think you're doing mudblood?" He sneered, standing over her.

She looked up at him shock and panic coursing through her veins.

"You don't deserve to be in Hogwarts, you don't dese-"

"Leave her alone you ass!" A voice called out.

Hermione and Crabbe turned to see Draco walking towards them.

"What? Mate she's a mudblood, we get to treat her like trash." He said.

"No, we don't." Draco snapped. "Leave her alone, and go be an ass to someone else."

Crabbe stood there, mouth open in shock, before he turned and walked away.

Draco turned and looked at Hermione, before giving her a small smile and offering his hand to help her up.

Hesitantly she took it, and he pulled her to her feet.

"Are you alright? You look cold." Draco fussed.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I am cold now." She shivered.

"Come with me," he lead her into the Three Broomsticks.

She sat down cautiously, as he sat across from her.

"What do you want to drink? Butterbeer? Hot chocolate?"

"Hot chocolate is fine." She whispered.

He nodded and stood, walking to the counter. Soon he returned with two mugs of hot chocolate, and he slid one over to her.

"Malfoy I-"

"I want to apologize. I've been a complete ass to you, for the last few years, and I know you haven't deserved it." Draco interrupted.

"You're, you're sorry?" Hermione asked, surprised.

"Yes, I'm sorry." He sighed. "I've been awful the entire time and I regret it. I'm not asking for us to be friends, I just want you to know that I know I've been horrible."

She looked at him, yet he refused to meet her gaze, staring at his hot chocolate.

"I won't lie, you have been horrible, the worst really, but if you're serious, then I accept your apology. " she said softly.

"You do?" He looked shocked.

"Yes," she looked at him.

"Well, thank you." He let out a shaky breath and gave her a small smile.

She nodded, and an awkward silence settled over them.

"So, what's your favorite book?" He asked.

She looked at him surprised, Draco Malfoy did not seem the type for small talk.

"I have too many, but I'm currently reading Jane Eyre, I've read it before, but it was one of my favorites growing up."

He smiled, and she began to wonder if she said something wrong.

"Jane Eyre was my favorite when I was growing up too." He said excitedly. "Mum and dad hated everything muggle, but Mum would take me to a muggle bookstore and let me choose something, and that was the first book I chose."


It was late, Hermione and Draco walked side by side back to the castle, still chatting about books.

"Well, it was lovely getting to talk," Hermione said, turning to Draco.

"It was, and please, when you get the chance I'd love to borrow your copy of Moby Dick, it sounds intriguing."

She nodded, and they went their separate ways.

"Hey Hermione, where were you?" Ron asked.

"You missed the feast," Harry added.

"I was in Hogsmeade." She responded, "lost track of time."

The two boys nodded and went back to their chess game. She walked into her dormitory, and laid on her bed, Crooksganks jumping up beside her, purring.

"Well, I guess there's a side to Draco Malfoy nobody knew about." She whispered to the cat.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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